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[Buff] Mini-Uzi

Again, I have a Mini-Uzi that I love and been using it close to, shy of one month, a year. So I would know the ups and downs of using a Mini-Uzi. Only reason I've been using it is cause of the traits. Outside of that, the Mini-Uzi is not a good weapon. When ever I say, "Why not a Mini-Uzi?" They say, "Why would I use a Mini-Uzi when I can use Mac10?"

Comparing the Mini-Uzi with the Mac10

Mini-Uzi                                                   Mac10
32                Headshot Damage             19% 38
14 17%               Body Damage                      12
8 14%              Limb Damage                          7
25                            Clip                         20% 30
0.075                  Fire Rate*               10% 0.068
3 Sec 2%               Reload                           3.07 Sec
0.9 Sec             Deploy Speed          200% 0.3 Sec
5% 100%             Mobility                              0%
These should be roughly the correct numbers, given to a tenth or two.
All numbers used here are rounded to the nearest hundredths.
*I found the fire rate by myself, I would bet a decent amount of money that this is correct. If not correct, lampoon me

So all in this spoiler was made before I did the correct fire rate. Thinking, it's a weaker Mac10 that shoots faster, I'll just put up that the Mini needs 25-33% more bullets to kill. And it doesn't even have more fire rate than the Mac to make up the deference.
Now I have all these numbers after finding out the Mac is better with headshot and firerate. I at least got a mining level out of doing these.


Anything is a buff at this point, but I have an idea for a rework.

There can be a theme where it is weaker than the Mac, but faster. More Mobility, faster fire rate, faster reload, and damage nerf. Where it can be more of a skirmish gun.
Headshot 25 (-28%)
Body 10 (-40%)
Limbs 5 (-40%)
Fire Rate .059 (+33%)
Reload 2.25 (+33)   25 Clip btw.
Mobility 10% (+100%)

Beebee you lost your damn mind. You didn't even think about the added stats to the base did you. Think about putting fire rate on this, IT WILL BE OP AF!!1!! ---1111111

I did think about this.
Assuming 20% fire rate is average. The Mac10 will be .058 compared to my suggested Mini-Uzi base of .059. Mini-Uzi with 20% fire rate will be .047, which will save you a whopping .3 seconds (.18).The Mac10 can easily 3-4 headshot people while having this fire rate through armor and health.
Go back and look at that damage, now think about armor and vitality. 17 damage to the head, 7 to body, 3 to limbs vs armor. You're not taking out the detective quietly. The Mini-Uzi needs 33% damage to become a 4 shot to the head if they have armor or vitality.
All headshots, damage within 1 second
Mac10 13*38=570
Mini 17*25=450

If yall have any ideas of reasonable buffs, constructive criticism, or my numbers are wrong. I'd like to hear them.

Brass couldn't stop harping on the Mini-Uzi having +2 more body shot damage compared to the Mac10. Which makes the Mini-Uzi have more PWR than the Mac10.
Mini 8 Body shots*.088=0.7
Mac 9 Body shots*.073=0.66
The Mac10 still kills faster than the Mini-Uzi despite +2 over the Mac.

bUfF mY iTeMs

anyways, my main concern in this is that the mac10 pulls out in .3 seconds, thats way too fast for just a default mac10(time to hijack thread)

in addition to buffing mini uzis can we slightly nerf mac10s? mainly just the deploy speed on them. i remember when the bloodfury first came, while it was in mac10 form still one of the main issues brought up was its deploy speed, so it received a 50% deploy speed nerf, but ONLY to the bloodfury. i feel like every mac10 should have at least a -25% deploy speed by default


like i dont understand why the bloodfury imparticilar was completely singled out in this situation. this can literally be done with ANY mac10

I mean while your at it minus well buff bizons xd

I like MP5-SD Mini-uzi version, +1

I've always seen the mini uzi as the red haired stepchild between SG552 and Mac10, it has a magazine of 25 sitting right between the 20(sg) and 30(mac) but it never lived up to either.

It's like it has all the negatives of both (lower damage, awful accuracy, reduced mag, slower firerate, DAMAGE DROPOFF) but no benefits besides the tiny bit of mobility.

I wouldn't mind seeing mini-uzi be like pre-nerf mp5 with an instant switch and a minor stat buff

i didnt read basically any of the info in this thread but i can confirm the only time i have ever used mini uzis is when i have a challenge and holy shit are they bad

After using a mini-uzi, they do not feel good right now
I'd love to see it become a speed weapon of some kind
Unloads the clip fast, reloads fast, deploy speed fast, maybe less damage & more spray as a result, but it should def be a quick-style weapon

- That Thrakos Noob

I like mini-uzi, and it isnt the worst gun type on FRG it just isnt good enough. Its not nearly as bad as m1911 or bizon and is decently usable so like a small buff would be nice but isnt exactly necessary in comparison.

Thread hijack, just remove damage dropoff and reduce accuracy long range for all smgs.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

As stated on the Lobby. Your math was wrong. Mini-uzi deals more DPS on average than a MAC10. The only exception are headshots.

I see your edit now so:

More DPS = faster time to kill on average. I'm not sure where you got your math for the firerate. But it's wrong.

Base Firerate of Mini-uzi: 0.075. Body shot damage = 14.
Base Firerate of MAC-10:0.065, Body shot damage = 12.

UZI: 8 (shots to deal 100 damage) x 0.075 = 0.6 (Actually deals 114 damage)
MAC:9 (shot to deal 100 damage) x 0.065 = 0.585. (Actually deals 108 damage)

That difference is not even comprehend-able really. But just to prove a point..

What about more than 100 damage?

Okay, let's say someone has a maxed vitality crystal:

125hp / 14 body shot damage = 9 shots to kill with the UZI.
125hp / 12 body shot damage = 11 shots to kill.

So that means the UZI is now better..
10 x 0.075 = 0.675
11 x 0.065 = 0.715

Over the course of 1 second, the Mini-uzi outputs more damage.

Mini-uzi shoots 13 shots per second.
MAC10 shoots 15 shots per second.

13 x 14 = 182 DPS.
15 x 12 = 180 DPS.

So I mean.. Your argument is a bit wrong, based on incorrect math, and personal biases. I have the actual statistics, it literally deals more damage per second than the MAC10, aside from headshots. It's a different balance of the same weapon type really. But I can agree with increasing its range a bit or something along that line.

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