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2Koreds Toxicity

(10-25-2018, 05:08 PM)tobooasxz Wrote:  i dont understand the constant playing of the victim card here. 2koreds i personally have nothing against you, but you never own up to doing anything wrong and just apologize. ive seen you do things first hand and never take any fault for it.

like in your previous post you apologized for calling beebee names then instantly take it back with a passive aggressive statement

can you sometimes accept that you might have done something remotely wrong and aplogize for it

100% this. That entire reply from 2koreds is riddled with passive aggressive statements about multiple things lol. I don't get why you attempt to excuse being toxic with "well this person was mean first so that means i can do what i want." Also, claiming that you get targeted by the community isn't going to help at all. Most of these replys have pretty good information about you being a toxic player. Trying to turn the blame onto someone other than yourself, especially in this situation, is not gonna make people believe you

I was playing Gmod the time this occurred and 2Koreds obviously had no respect for a higher up and was talking trash not only to a member +, but also to a newer player. Death did not seem to understand the game too well at the time and he was learning, we have all been there at one point. I just wanted to add my perspective and say that this was not cool at all.

(10-24-2018, 10:58 PM)Beebee1303 Wrote:  Steam Name of Offending Player(s): 2Koreds

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:53173093

Map the event happened on: as_resident_evil

Date of event: 10/24/2018

What Happened?:
On the previous map, he was just being an ass to a level 5. Who was saying that someone with a skeleton skin was a T. Then 2Koreds said, "You can't call me out, you didn't see my name." Which Terran and I basically knew he was a T. Edit and I said to Death, the level 5 in question, you can't kos off skin. He was understanding and seemed he was learning the rules. When the round ended, 2Koreds reported the poor guy. Giving him a huge report on how it's wrong to kos off skin. I told 2Koreds "This is a huge ass report worthy of forums, why did you do it? We already told Death not to kos off skin." 2Koreds said something close to this "I don't trust the intelligence of member+." (It involved lack of intelligence and member+ not trusting them to do their job.) Now on Resident Evil, Death was saying the guy with the skeleton was the T again. It didn't sound like a Kos. After the round he said very rude and the guy didn't deserve anything 2Koreds was saying. See picture to read what 2Koreds said to a new person.

Later, there was a fight in the break room and we were able to kill a T. Terran heard a teleport sound and noted that he didn't see 2Koreds leave (The video was choppy at that point in time to show he didn't leave the room). Then I said, "Yea he is a T, no kos." 2Koreds said, "I literally jumped down the vent." He said it twice about jumping down the vent. The one frame showed the vent was still on and you can hear me shoot the vent off 0:47. As I was saying that he blatantly lied about going down the vent. I checked the other vent to make sure it wasn't broken. The case could be made he Grimoire of BWed up there, thankfully it was still on 1:15. That would make that whole backend a one-way exit and that would be through the breakroom. Which Terran was agreeing with me. The only way he could leave was through T methods, invis or teleport. If you turn up your sound at 0:25 you can hear a teleport barely. So I called him out knowing that this was a one-way exit and he lied about going through a sealed vent. After the round he lived and he showed his reformed state by tbagging me, you can even see him correcting himself to be over my body 2:07. He was saying that I was wrong and I couldn't kill for that. I tried saying something that would have made sense, but I was too tired and gave up on it. 2Koreds says, "going down the vent or not doesnt make you a t." Which the vent was covered and needed to be shot to go through. The only other way to leave was teleporting away, which he did. So, I Kosed him for lying. Then 2Koreds said, "honestly just putting this moron back on the block list."

Witnesses: Edit, Terran, Singlings


This report is silly. Why can't you guys just play and have fun? Some people take TTT way too seriously.

Let me start with a reply to this part, "When the round ended, 2Koreds reported the poor guy. Giving him a huge report on how it's wrong to kos off skin. I told 2Koreds "This is a huge ass report worthy of forums, why did you do it? We already told Death not to kos off skin."

Why even question him? You know why he did it. Just because you told the level 5 already doesn't mean 2koreds can't tell him too. As long as 2koreds wasn't being rude to the level 5 and was just letting him know about the rule then I see no problem with this. I get the sense that you and 2koreds don't like each other so it bothered you that he didn't let you handle it all by yourself.

Now I'll reply to parts in that second wall of text in your original post. I would kill someone too if I caught them lying about something like that vent situation. That is part of the game. If you are a T you have to be sneaky and not get caught. Lying is a good way to do this but sometimes your lies end up not being well thought out and you get caught in the lie. If i were 2kored I would have laughed that I tried to lie and got caught. THIS IS A VIDEO GAME. Sometimes you get caught on your T round. Get over it. You will get plenty more.

It is very clear that you and 2koreds do not like each other. You said, "After the round he lived and he showed his reformed state by tbagging me, you can even see him correcting himself to be over my body 2:07." Why would this even bother you? Getting Tbagged in a video game? how does that effect you in any way? xD I think it got to you because you don't like him. If you are going to be a +Member you have to set aside your dislike for people and look at situations with an unbiased mind.

TLDR - You both seem to dislike each other and you are letting that have an effect on your emotions. 2koreds needs to not get so salty when he is caught on his T rounds. This definitely isn't the first time for that. I've seen that one time and time again.

I am only a Moderator but I don't think anything should really happen with this report. I think the 2 of you should just not talk to each other or use the block command.

This honestly just seems like a witch hunt against 2k. I do however have to agree that whining to get people slain is so dull. In short I think that the moral of the story is to just let things go. Things like reporting for slays should be used sparingly since getting slain isn't fun for anybody and you might be a bit loose on the trigger with those 2k.

(10-25-2018, 11:05 PM)No Dick Nytemart Wrote:  This honestly just seems like a witch hunt against 2k. I do however have to agree that whining to get people slain is so dull.  In short I think that the moral of the story is to just let things go. Things like reporting for slays should be used sparingly since getting slain isn't fun for anybody and you might be a bit loose on the trigger with those 2k.

This isn't a witch hunt
he has already been banned for toxicity and he still acting the same way as he did before the ban.
the problem here is, he hasn't changed at all.
Yes Pm got a 3 month banned probability because it was his first time while you 2k, have already been warned and banned, so i would think your revenge ban be different then his.

This thread seems kind of petty honestly. Also aren't there multiple vents in the map, so lying about going through a vent doesn't really seem kosable (but if it was the only vent and you heard the teleorter as you said then fine I guess). Idk this thread seems pretty pointless and I don't see that much toxicity in the video he just got frustrated and I thought he handled it fine, besides the fact that he called you a moron, but you should be able to just not give a shit honestly. I've been called way worse stuff and just got over it (usually). Also did you mention the block command to the new player? If the new player was getting annoyed by 2k then just suggest the new player to block him.

This easily could have been dealt with w/o a report on the forums.

Chiming in a bit late but I was also on when this happened. 2koreds kept it going throughout multiple maps and was being a dick to other players as well. I supported his member app, but it seems after getting member he's just reverted to being toxic.

I do feel like he changed for me, but I can't speak for others. We were very toxic to each-other a lot of the time and then we both agreed to nut up and shut up, and its worked out pretty well. I think FRG has its entourage of pretty "interesting" characters (like...me, I guess) who don't get banned. I mean, I'm sure I've done a lot worse to people than 2Koreds has, but I also don't think I've been banned because I'm "popular" (ha) with some people in some way.

Just what I know of, though. I don't ever hold grudges or anything.

Uh.. T-bagging is not against the rules. It falls under acceptable banter, that's just silly to get mad about that. You think they'd ban people for that shit in other games..? The rest of it seems pretty light and I don't see this as even close to being worthy to a forum report. This seems like an attempt to get back at him for what he said to you, trying to get him directly punished, because you guys clearly do not like each other. That can easily be resolved in-game via !block, or you know, just avoid saying stupid shit to each other.

Really though, the aggressive behavior goes both ways in your video. He t-bagged you, you got mad and said "totally reformed" - which in itself is also an insult. I don't see anything worthy of major punishment in the video, by itself. His last toxicity ban was over a year ago now, so it's a question of how long should we hold previous offenses against someone?

The worst punishment here would be a demotion from Member given that he hasn't been one too long. But again, strictly speaking about the video itself, it doesn't show anything major enough to warrant any other punishment other than a written warning to BOTH of you to leave each other alone/utilize the block system. Now given all of the testimonies here, it's clear something is not right. 2ko was better off not posting, his post added nothing at all, and was full of passive-aggressive remarks.

2ko will be demoted from member, and given how long ago his ban was, I'm going to personally give him ONE FINAL FREAKING chance to just tone down the toxic behavior. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Instantly insulting people when you feel you've been wrong.
  • Harassing new players..
  • Getting ultra butt-hurt about accidents.
  • Escalating a dispute to a personal level.
  • RDMing/Revenge RDMing. (This one should go without saying).
Direct toxicity is the most commonly seen type of toxicity and comes in many forms: Harassment, arguing, peeving and general malicious targeting (i.e following a player around after a dispute). There will be disputes among players throughout the course of the game - that's simply what comes with a game of lying and deception, and that's okay to do. What's not okay is when players escalate the argument to where it becomes personal.

If you guys find anything further, send it to me personally via PM, and I will deal with it, but keep in mind if I find you're being unreasonably biased, or 'baiting' him to do something wrong, it will be disregarded.


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