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[Buff] Cerberus

(11-07-2018, 06:48 PM)Brassx Wrote:  Proposed changes(one or more of these):
  • Base Weapon
    • Increase range by 60%.
    • Remove mobility inaccuracy.
    • Increase pellet damage from 18 to 19 (+25% this for real damage amount, as this is just the base weapon)
      This increases body shot damage to 95. Meaning you still have to land at least one headshot to 1 tap someone.
  • 1-2 of the above bundled with - Ability Changes:
    • Add a DoT to it, which also makes targets take more damage depending on the darkness level of the area they are in. Super bright = less damage, super dark = more damage.
      This makes the DoT more situational, and more powerful on certain maps/certain areas. Which you could adjust your play-style to. Could be fun.
    • Increase the proc chance. (as in make it more common)

I think the DoT is an awesome idea but I feel one of the stat boost would still also be needed as well, maybe the range increase?
I think the proc chance could also need a small boost overall too.
Would love to see how others feel about these changes Cool

I don't know about buffing the chance. If it's a flat 1/10 for each shot then I would want it to be in line of most shotguns. If it's 1/10 for each of the 4 pellets, then I don't know about that. Cause it was spread around that was the case after release.

(11-07-2018, 06:48 PM)Brassx Wrote:  Proposed changes(one or more of these):
  • Base Weapon
    • Increase range by 60%.
    • Remove mobility inaccuracy.
    • Increase pellet damage from 18 to 19 (+25% this for real damage amount, as this is just the base weapon)
      This increases body shot damage to 95. Meaning you still have to land at least one headshot to 1 tap someone.
  • 1-2 of the above bundled with - Ability Changes:
    • Add a DoT to it, which also makes targets take more damage depending on the darkness level of the area they are in. Super bright = less damage, super dark = more damage.
      This makes the DoT more situational, and more powerful on certain maps/certain areas. Which you could adjust your play-style to. Could be fun.
    • Increase the proc chance. (as in make it more common)

out of the base weapon changes, i'd rather the first 2
as for the ability changes, the first one sounds pretty neat. maybe the second one as long as it keeps the same ratio proc chance of the current traits. I have the only two 1 in 10 ones so it would be pretty upsetting to lose that.

but overall sounds pretty good

(11-07-2018, 06:07 PM)Brassx Wrote:  
(11-07-2018, 03:23 PM)Kuro Wrote:  Problem is that it's essentially a regular shotgun with the pellet count at 4 rather than 7 with much worse accuracy, reduced DPS(per shot?), half the magazine size, and slower deploy/reload with the only  benefits being the suffix and the better range due to damage dropoff being more forgiving to bigger numbers

To be honest I'd love to see it maintain stats and go the opposite way to have x16 pellet per shot and have the suffix do bonus burn for extra damage per pellet hit during the proc

W r o n g.

What parts were wrong?

(11-07-2018, 06:48 PM)Brassx Wrote:  
An outright damage buff alongside a range buff might lead to more complaints considering how many people already hate shotguns I'd expect to hear a few "SNIPER SHOTGUN" complaints.

(11-07-2018, 06:48 PM)Brassx Wrote:  
That's actually a really cool idea for a DoT, it could deal more in the dark and less in light since you the Cerberus could be considered more of a "dark" weapon. Then you could apply the reverse to the Daybreak suffixand make it deal more damage in the light (powered up by light) while doing less in darkness. It could give both of them some love and a unique niche to fill.

I uploaded ALL of said changes, just as a test for now and I will take away things as needed. Let me know how it feels with them.


The proc feels solid, the gun itself just feels very very strong now. Feels like I'm snipin' people for 22 damage a pellet which is what I'm gettin, definitely hurts a lil more than it probably should.

- That Thrakos Noob

Perhaps have damage drop offs at a certain range increments?

After using Cerberus in TTT for a few days, I feel really the only thing that was over done was the range.
I can literally 1 tap people from a pretty decent range if I get lucky and the spread doesn't go completely everywhere.
Other than that I feel the Cerb is in a perf spot with the Proc, DMG, and Acc buff.

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