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Quest Line Suggestion

The great wall of text is ahead. I have a TLDR near the bottom for you if you're lazy.

When you talk to Oruk, he'll ask you to see why the dead are so restless now. When you go to survive and get into loadout room, you'll find a prison door. Interacting with it, you'll find that it houses a little girl inside. She'll ask if you have a ball for her to play with. You'll be given a prompt to give your Orb of Healing. (If you try and give a Chipped Orb of Healing, she'll say, "I can't play with that, it's broken!") She'll be very happy to have a ball to play with and she promises to give it back later! After a complete round she'll be ready to give it back. This means you can't keep one zombie alive and go talk to her. If you die before getting back to the Prison Door, Oruk can give back the Healing Orb for 1K. When you go talk to her, she'll give you Mystical Heated Orb. After she gives your orb back she'll say, "That was fun! But now I'm tired, can you come back tomorrow and bring another ball?" After that you can wipe and keep the new orb.

Mystical Heated Orb (Non Tradeable or non Keyable)
Tier: Primordial
Slot: Misc
Tickrate: 1
Damage Limit: 500
Damage Cap: 5
Damage Rate: 3
When held out you take damage from the Orb.

Talk to Arvik, he'll say, "Whoa there bud! I don't think I've ever seen something like that before. You should talk to that new guy that just came here, he's down the room to your left. I asked for his name and all He said was, "He". He was talking about this sorta stuff." You'll come across to this new hole with cabinet doors. When interacting with it, He will talk to you. He will say, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? IF YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR, THEN BEAT IT." You'll be prompt to show Mystical Heated Orb. Then He will say, "Oh my! I'm so sorry, I didn't know you're important. Ah yes, I knew She would be here and would want to play with this world's mysterious orbs. Say, do you want that Orb to be functionable? The only way to get that Mystical Heated Orb cooled is by taking it's heat. Are you willing to do that?"
Then you'll be given two options, a quest or decline.

Bearing a Burden
Take 500 damage from the Mystical Heated Orb.
(Alternatively, you can give Arvik 10K to cool down the orb inconsistently.)

Decline: You decline and are able to keep Mystical Heated Orb. You're able to go back to the girl for another one and another chance for the quest.

Once you're done with the quest, go talk back to He. He will say, "Man, you're very determined. You remind me of my self when I wore younger man's clothes, hahahaha. Well, let me apply a coat to the orb and you'll be able to use it." After you talk to him and finish the quest, he'll give you Orb of Greater Healing.

Orb of Greater Healing (Non tradeable and non keyable)
Tier: Primordial
Slot: Misc
Tickrate: 2
Healing Limit: 100
Healing Cap: 60
Healing Rate: 2

If you talk to He again, you'll be given a prompt to show Orb of Greater Healing. Then he'll say, "Hey, I'll tell you why I'm really here. I want that power supply you have there. You seem confused, I'm talking about the Orb of Greater Healing. You do know that is a powerful power supply right? Mmmh, probably for the best you don't know. Anyway, I need you to weaken that orb. All you need to do it use it a lot and it'll become weak enough to chip it. So what do you say?" You'll be given a quest.

Power the Unknown
Heal 200 from the Orb of Greater Healing.
(Alternatively, you can give Arvok 10K to have him hit the Orb with a hammer, chipping the orb and able to return it to He.)

After you complete the quest, go back and talk to He. He will be ecstatic that you came back saying, "I'm so glad you did this! You have no idea how much I need it. Ah but of course, you need to get paid for your blood, sweat, and tears. Mainly your blood hahahaha. Ehm, so what would you like?"

You have two reward options Recycle and Anew.
Recycle: You're given an Orb of Healing and 1/3 the normal rewards(Coins, crates, and the chance for something better). This counts as 1 towards the overall quest.
Anew: You're given the full reward, without  an Orb of Healing(Coins, crates, and slightly better chance for something better). This counts as 2 towards the overall quest.

Overall Quest:
Gift from the Wall
Give Orbs of Greater Healing to He and receive a huge reward at 10 points.

This will (I hope) be kept in !quest to see how far you are.

All of this is repeatable and works up to something better if you want.
After you receive 10 points to Gift from the Wall, He will want to talk to you. He'll say, "Don't think I haven't notice your kindness, you've helped me a lot. Now I can't tell you why I need these, but I believe you deserve something greater! Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart."

You'll be given one of three options.

Tickrate is how many seconds are between each healing tick.
Healing Limit is the amount of heal charges the orb holds. 1 hp= 1 Charge
Healing Cap is health amount you can heal to.
Healing Rate is how much HP pet tick you regenerate

The Vast Expedition (Non Tradeable)
Tier: Godlike
Slot: Misc
Tickrate: 10
Healing Limit: 100
Healing Cap: 80
Healing Rate: 10
Deploy Speed: -20%
Mobility: 5%

Each kill reduces the Tick Rate by 2 (Capped to Tick Rate: 4).
Stops Tick Rate progress after standing in place for 3 seconds.
The Familiar Passage (Non Tradeable)
Tier: Godlike
Slot: Misc
Tickrate: 2
Healing Limit: 150
Healing Cap: 65
Healing Rate: 3
Mobility: -40%

Each kill reduces Healing Limit by 10 and instantly heals user by 10 (Healing cap for instant health 75). (Passive)
Each kill reduces mobility by -30% for 15 seconds. (Passive)
The Quick Journey (Non Tradeable)
Tier: Godlike
Slot: Misc
Tickrate: 1
Healing Limit: 30
Healing Cap: 50
Healing Rate: 5
Deploy Speed: +20%
Mobility: +10%

Each kill refill 10 healing limit.
While holding it out, you take 20% increased bullet damage.

You have a chance of receiving one of these (Which is tradeable) when completing the quest Power the Unknown. The chances more along the line of tier 6 keys maybe easier. So 1 in 20 or 15 to get one of these orbs. Increase by 66% for when you choose the lesser loot with the orb of healing.

TLDR: You go to survive loadout room, you risk Orb of Healing. After you give orb, you do one round of survive. You get Mystical Heated Orb. You do quest to make the Super Heated Orb hurt you a lot, then it turns into Orb of Greater Healing. You get a quest to use Orb of Greater Healing a lot. There are two rewards, An Orb of Healing and loot. Which you can redo everything. Or no orb of healing and a lot of loot. After 5-10 quests you get 1 out of 3 Godlike Orbs that are cool.

Edit: He will also provide a service to combine 2 Chipped Orbs of Healing to make one Orb of Healing.

If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. I hope this is a halfway decent quest line, thank you for reading.

i would do this just to get a orb of greater healing but i would do it all the way since
1. its kinda easy
2. The Familiar Passage is a bit better then orb of healing
3. something to replace my normal orb of healing
4. orb of healing and chipped orb of healing will have more usage
not only that but this would get more people to do survive, and i kinda like survive. it tests your endurance.

ttt has too many healing items already though

plus grimoire of manes is basically a greater orb of healing

(11-11-2018, 04:05 PM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  ttt has too many healing items already thi

plus grimoire of manes is basically a greater orb of healing

Sorry but what are the chances of getting the book AND the page? last i heard only 2 have dropped. and after the loot buffed some people got into it. but still, after all this time still only 2 have dropped. at least this will give you one guarantee but you gotta put some time and work into it. with both playing (or buying) a orb of healing from worm queen and playing TTT to get some parts of the quest compete and last is to do survive.

(11-11-2018, 04:09 PM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  if people actually played survive more would drop

not to mention this is literally the definition of the word "powercreep", which you guys seem to like to throw around a lot and get very annoyed at

1. its a godlike, is should be good
2. if you read my comment, you would see that i said people HAVE played survive after the loot buff
3. there are negatives to the orb to have it some what balanced
dont wanna fill the post will me and you discussig

if people actually played survive more would drop

not to mention this is literally the definition of the word "powercreep", which you guys seem to like to throw around a lot and get very annoyed at

(11-11-2018, 04:05 PM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  ttt has too many healing items already thi

plus grimoire of manes is basically a greater orb of healing

There is 3 self heals, two of which are legendary and one of them is inferior to the other. While there is 0 Godlike orbs.
There is only 2 Grimoire of Manes. This will allow folks to have a nonlimited way of getting better healing than Orb of Healing. Also, this quest encourages playing survive, which will hopefully get another page.

Edit: Oh, he admitted he didn't read any of this. Yet still gave his opinion.

when did i say i never read it?

TBH i just don't really like the idea of healing objects in TTT as a whole, I'm not a big fan of the orb of healing but at least it only heals up to 60 and is pretty slow, but this is a well thought out idea and I wouldn't be upset to see elements of this idea taken and used. I would rather see this with potentially more unique orbs other than just healing, or just different misc. items in general.

YEah, I don't think the server eneesd more wquests buddy

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