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Christmas Minigame Suggetions

Since Christmas is around the corner, I thought I might suggest some of the minigame I had in mind when the Christmas update release.

Frost Legion(Yes I know terraria reference)
Basically there will be a bunch of snowman that will spawn all around the map, but this time they can move and they got guns.

The snowman can either be one of these classes: Gangster, Frost Eye, Soilder, or Assasin

Solider snowman has a vanilla m16, he has no negative mobility or postive, but he has -30% Accuracy.

Frost Eye has a vanilla scout(Rifle), he has -15% mobility, -30% firerate, -25% reload speed, but has +38% damage. If a player is close to him he will drop his rifle and pull out a vanilla pistol.

Gangster snowman has a vanilla shotgun(Pump action shotgun), he has +25% firerate, +10% mobility, but he has -30% damage, -10% reload speed -25% stability. He only has 24 rounds to his shotgun and if he runs out of ammo, he will drop his weapon and use a vanilla tec-9.

Assasin snowman only has a ninjato, he has +25% mobility, but has -10% firerate.
If there is more than 2 players that is close to him, his firerate will increase by +15%.(Leaving him with +5% firerate)

All of the snowman listed can spawn with different colors as well, and some of them have additional perks:
White(Regular Snowman): No positive effects
Red: More damage
Green: More health
Blue: More Mobility, has a chance to dodge a bullet(Not dealing damage to the snowman, even though you hit it.)
Gold: More damage, more health, more mobility, and has a chance to dodge a bullet.

This is how the point system works for this minigame:
White Snowman (Regular Snowman): 1 point
Red Snowman: 2 points
Green Snowman: 2 points
Blue Snowman: 3 points
Gold Snowman: 5 points

Who ever has the most points, wins the minigame. Top 15 will get Christmas Present III's as well, they will get more depending on what position they are in. (Obviously, 1st place gets the most out of everyone.)

If you die you lose 10% of your points, if you are afk presents will drop on you and explode.

You can get Christmas Present III from this round as well, they will either spawn around the map and you have to find them and pick them up, or you can get them from killing snowman. (You can 1-3 Christmas Present III's from killing a snowman, you can get 5 Christmas Present III's from killing the Gold Snowman.)

Abominable Yeti:
This is a boss battle, one person will be chosen as a the Yeti and he has to kill everyone before they kill him.

He is has a ton of health and ton of damage, but he walks very slow. This is where his moves comes in handy.
He has 4 moves:
Punch(Basic Attack), Ground Pound, Uppercut Punch, and Rage.

Punch: Short Range Attack, and Deals 20 damage.
Ground Pound: Punches the ground and deals 40 damage anyone that is close to him. (It has a 7 Second cooldown to prevent anyone from spamming it and abusing it.)
Uppercut Punch: Charges at target and punches the target into the air, Dealing 30 damage. (It has a 10 Second cooldown)
Rage: This is the Yeti's Ultimate Attack, it will only become avalible if the Yeti has 50% of its health left. This attack will make the Yeti immune for 2 seconds(For the animation), he will gain +50% Mobility, and can ignore 50% of the damage being dealt to him. He will only have 2 moves when the Yeti has activated Rage. He can grab you if you get too close and squeeze you to death, and he can throw big boulders at you.

Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions on this post.

+1 sounds like you put alot of work into this but how about they drop christmas crate 4 and have a Godlike Melee The CandyCane i have a fourm post about a candy cane too (i see ALOT of inspiration from terraria here..)

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