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[BUFF] Barnacles[Implemented]

As they stand now, they're probably one of the least used T items due to them being unusable. Since I know that Brass has been recording how much T/D items are being bought, I would like to know what place they're at.

The idea of the barnacle is to get them stuck in a place that eventually gets them killed if no one comes. It was basically a bear trap. Lets look at what was changed about them:
  • Can't buy more than one
  • The person in it can use their weapons now.
  • No placing it above teleporters.

Not only that but barnacles die instantly to a melee attack, don't have good enough hitboxes to use reasonably, and will never kill someone. With how much mobility an average weapon has, there's no way a full health person will die on a medium sized map if they couldn't use their weapon.

Bear trap essentially got a redesign that leads to the same thing the previous bear trap mechanic was. Nothing really changed in terms of gameplay for the bear trap because you still can't kill for anyone being near it, so you'll die regardless. Barnacles suffer from their redesign of stuck players using their weapons. Might as well be T testers that traitors can buy.

I only use it on Sunday street for easy kills in the tower lmao

Yeah, it used to be good before it got changed. People complained it was OP but it's a T weapon. It's supposed to be a little bit powerful. I think it should just be changed back to you not being able to shoot when in it. You can still call for help and it does DOT so there's a chance it won't kill you. A harpoon gives you no chance of survival but nobody complains about that.

buy more than 1 +1

Barnacle of the Phoenix +1
Bouncy Rounds

+1 how about make the barnicle be more silent and not let the players type kinda like a tranq???

With all the mobility items and such players have now, going back to pre-nerf barnacles are a good change.


Implemented. Changed to pre-nerf barnacles.

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