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Go ahead and say it. 'Cause on this one more than ever, its definitely the right of "you only want it buffed because you have it"
(after all, i own two of them - the only two on the server, be that)

But here's the thing.

The DoW does ~84 headshot damage, ~52 body shot damage, with a 1/6-8 chance to shoot a ball of electricity.
The electricity ball is AoE, and does more damage when hit on contact - 22 damage if it passes by you, and 52 damage if it hits you.

And that's honestly not that bad.
But the DoW is an Exotic rifle, acquired through expert+ challenges only. And it used to appear as so, given that it was very strong and the fact that the electricity ball eats up a bullet was okay because the proc was good.

But not any more.
In my personal case - Rifle Master, Headshot god, yadda yadda... so in fact, especially so in my case - the rifle eating up a bullet for the electricity ball is just devastating.
When the DoW was changed, it was originally a 1/10-1/12 i believe to shoot a very strong electricity ball, which meant less bullets got eaten up and when a bullet did it was worth it because the ball did more damage than a bullet. Now though, you have a 1/6-1/8 chance to have you bullet taken away from you for a ball that usually does ~20 damage, maybe will hit a target and do good damage.

And it's not even as if it's just a hallway killer gun. I've tried manipulating playstyles since i first got a DoW when it first dropped, and so many times ill purposely lure people into a hallway to just, not kill them because i have a rifle in a hallway and the electricity ball doesnt make up for that.
Just yesterday from this post, a detective was standing still so i shot two shots at him at the head, which wouldve killed him. Both shots were electricity, and both made contact, so even then it's like "alright, he must die now because how can you live that". Even after i ran into a long hallway at which i sat at the end of, got shot by a cerb by the det that shouldve died, then got killed by people behind him even after getting 2 elec balls off in another clip.

And im giving the anecdote just because it's not a common gun, so most people only remember when Vhoxel had it when it was good and me, who honestly just hopes i dont get a proc because it usually gets me killed.

tl;dr, a 1/6-1/8 to turn an instant 52-84 shot into a projectile that does 22-52 damage if the target isnt smart enough to move isnt good.
If the elec ball didnt eat the bullet, I'd say thats good. A chance to (though give away your position) do 22-52 damage isnt bad.
If the nerf was reverted, even better. I dont think it should've gotten a nerf in the first place, the gun is extremely rare.
And even if just a firerate buff was applied to auto rifles/ the dow, that would substantiate a bullet being eaten by being able to get off another one faster.

tl;drx2, the DoW for an exotic rifle just isnt good enough for its place. It was great, then turned into big dog poop.
(okay maybe not big dog poop, but you get the idea.)
When a dragon round begins.


Why not just make it not take up the bullet on proc. So it can one shot on head when it does? I personally think the gun shoots way too fast to consistently 1 shot, but that seems like a good balance between.

if you want to buff one of the Scroll guns, you should buff the enigma. DOW is fine as it is

enigma first

@@enigma already got its fix to bugs and a reload speed increase. to be fair i like it more than the dow

also, the enigma was originally a prim and drops from hard+. The DoW is expert+.
When a dragon round begins.


I mean, I assume it'd be hard to balance an auto-sniper to not be ridiculously powerful (i.e CSGO does it by making it expensive, right?) but it also shouldn't be a weak special gun. That's just lame. Definite improvements could be done, those damage values are terrible across the board.

Had the opportunity to use the Dow a bit more recently, it's honestly pretty weak. I made a thread a while back asking for a buff for a reason. The main problem with it is that it loses too much lethality compared to a regular rifle or even an enigma. 2 shot body or head normally. It rises to 3 when your target has armor+vitality equipped, which is basically the norm at this point. On top of that, the proc blows peepee. It backfires more often than it kills people. Countless times have I had a free kill but suprise ball says go fuck yourself. It's also noticeably louder than the rifle which gets you spotted right away when you try to get I'm some pot shots at people (Also electricity ball shiny af, everyone sees it). All in all, I would like to see it have increased firerate, some kind of fix for the proc eating the bullet and maybe lower it's recoil by a tad bit.

Just make Proc activation by pressing E, wep itself is fine but proc eating bullets is annoying
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


you only want it buffed because you have it. this makes all of ur arguments invalid -3. I suggest brass just makes the ball not consume ammo.

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