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Proposed Vitalty Crystal/Djinn Crystal reworks

(11-25-2018, 03:48 AM)Brassx Wrote:  I still think the best way to balance vitality crystals, so that they still remain viable for PvE and still are decent for PvP is by making headshots deal extra damage to users using them.

So if you have a 20% Vitality crystal, you take 20% more headshot damage from all weapons.

Big fan of this +1+1+1

aqgree with the big mans idea

What brass said solves the problem that the vit crystal brings to the table. More headshot encourages people to actually aim.

Oh yeah and as far as the Djinn is concerned, remove healing from them OR reduce the apr by a lot and increase the time ot takes to regen the Djinn proc.

(10-23-2018, 06:26 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  yall love making the same threads over and over again til you get your way huh

I'm going to apply the vitality crystal changes to TTT, and see how that goes for now. I think that's a fair change that ultimately doesn't change its viability TOO much, but makes it have a direct counter: skillful shooting (headshots).

So to recap:
  • Vitality crystal users now take more headshot damage. The amount of extra headshot damage they take is the same as their Health stat, as a %. i.e. 15 hp vitality crystal = 15% more headshot damage. This does nothing on events.

It basically makes a vitality user require the same amount of headshots to kill as someone not using it. So if you have a +20hp Vitality crystal, you take 20% more headshot damage.

Say you have a weapon that deals 43 headshot damage, thats 43% of a normal 100hp persons HP. Now if you increase that by 20% for a 120 hp person, its 51.6, which is 43% of 120 hp.

If this is too much, I can make the extra headshot damage only apply to certain weapon types.

Cool, thanks. As long as it 100% applies to deagles/rifles and that sort, I'm happy. Also, sort of low-key, but shotguns REALLY get bummed from vitality crystals. I usually don't get a good kill even point-blank, and I don't even LIKE shotguns.

Also, any strong opinions on Djinn crystals? I get that its an even rarer, uber-special crystal, but there's a lot of them and honestly I find it insanely overpowered. Not just strong, actually overpowered, to the point where it wins fights for me constantly.

I like my idea of how the weaker a gun is, the stronger the Djinn crystal is; people have to use low-tier guns for challenges, quests and stuff, and this would benefit them. But the stronger a gun is, the less the crystal's effects would be; what Un_DEAD said (Oh yeah and as far as the Djinn is concerned, remove healing from them OR reduce the apr by a lot and increase the time ot takes to regen the Djinn proc.) makes a LOT OF SENSE to me.

The healing from Djinn crystals is pretty ridiculous, but its nothing compared to the flat damage boost. But if it benefited lower level guns to bring them up to a better playing field and make it easier to use, that sounds better than just making the strongest guns already...stronger. I mean, does a Molten Mac10 or an Extinct Thrakos really need free DPS boosts and heals?

(11-25-2018, 05:14 PM)Terran Wrote:  I like my idea of how the weaker a gun is, the stronger the Djinn crystal is;

this is a subjective measure

I feel like the Djinn is too op rn where it sits. It did need a buff originally but the fact that It can litterally eat enemy bullets and dmg along with healing the user is beyond strong. I also find how people use it for Challenge weps removing the "Challenge" aspect out of the name of it.

Overall changes for it imo should be removing the fact that I can provide progress for wep/tier kills off of Djinn balls, and possibly make Djinn balls proc less in bunches and rather more spread out so that you dont have eat barrages of djinn balls altogether from High RPM guns
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


Over the years the game has been balanced with the idea of 100 hp in mind. Adding HP was just a bad decision in my eyes because all that balance is thrown out when you just give free hp.

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