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Special suffixes/traits for items dropped from Keys

DEFINITELY not because I'm a greedy bastard who has 62 prim keys

of Tracker: When you hold a crosshair on someone, you gain mobility. The longer you aim it on them, the faster you go, up to XX%. Looking off of them removes the effect.

of Wargod: Every rightful kill you earn gives you a Blood Token. These can be used to provide a boost to mobility, health regen and jump height+speed/reduced fall damage.

of Taint: Shots have a 1 in X chance to "Taint" a player, causing lowered mobility, muddled vision and worse stability. Can only affect one person at a time. This effect is permanent until the user dies, or taints someone else.

of Boosting (secondaries only): Shooting anywhere without hitting someone will "propel" you in the opposite direction, sort of like a rocket. Can use to "sort of" fly.

more to come possibly?

Keys are already better than crates. I don't think this is necessary at all.

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