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[Buff] Coal Launcher

Currently, also in my opinion, the Coal Launcher feels like a prim, outside of the effect of shooting coal. There is an opportunity to add something to the gun to make pretty fun.

When you right click, it consumes 2 ammo, deals reduced damage of .5, and knocksback the user and anyone hit with two or more pellets. Cooldown 10 secs.

Edit: It could consume what is left in the clip and scale knockback. Consuming 10 ammo will give a large knockback, consuming 1 will be weak knockback.

It would be cool to bring mobility to the gun. You can use it like a poor man's Scardy Bunny, however thats jumping and not knockback. It could feel different from the Scardy Bunny. Knock off folks from roofs. It could be a sniper's best friend, putting distance between the user and attacker. Or could be a gap closer for close range combat.

This would bring a ton of utility to the gun, which it doesn't need this buff. This is a formidable secondary and could easily stay the same. But it would add some cool stuff and reward those who think outside the box.

i think it should honestly either be bumped down to prim or moved to exotic. it just doesnt feel like godlike material and i dont think it would unless it gets a custom model

I'll make it exotic once the event ends.

make magic egg exotic too :pog:

- That Thrakos Noob

Its a shotgun in a secondary slot, that's all the "buffing" it needs :(

actually, the effect could be a bit stronger, it seemed really weak. But not a damage boost. Fuck yooooooooooou. What's next, a shotgun that shoots knives needs a buff?

Yeah, the fact that Coal Launcher is a secondary really makes up for how kinda underwhelming it it. I have to agree with Terran and say the only buff that it could use is having the proc be stronger.

would be really cool to give it a pushback effect on both user and target like Force-of-Nature from TF2 or the dumb shotgun thing Ashe has in overwatch

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