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[CHANGE] Jolly Crystal

I have never been more upset over a crystal.
Vitality was fine.
Djinn Crystal is fine.
Everything else is fine.
But when you take the nexus' trait and just slap it on a crystal, its not cool. You literally get punished super hard just from shooting people.
Just shooting someone in the back can take a lot of your HP away from you.

I think that the Jolly Crystal needs to be changed entirely. Not nerfed. Changed to something entirely different. It's dumb just to have the nexus repeater's trait on a crystal.
I propose that either:
A: Change it to a 30-ish% chance for every x amount of damage dealt to you to ice the attacker. This gives the crystal an actual Christmas type theme.
B: Change it to where instead of reflecting damage to the attacker, it has a chance to reflect any suffixes/traits to the attacker instead of you.
C: Change it to a x chance to proc snowstorm on your attacker for x amount of time.

Those are just a few ideas I have for it right now, feel free to post any others ideas for it.


just don't be sweaty Big Grin

(12-27-2018, 10:22 PM)Alex Summers Wrote:  I have never been more upset over a crystal.
Vitality was fine.
Djinn Crystal is fine.

You had me until you said Djinn Crystal is fine
Jolly Crystal is fine, personally

Djinn is waaay more op m. dude

Yea the Djinn wins more fights in one map then the Jolly Crystal's lifetime.

you guys are getting off topic
even comparing djinn and jolly, the djinn crystal still requires you to shoot at someone to do damage to them.
the jolly crystal just damages your attacker without you even having to so much as look in their direction

Dealing damage requires you to take damage. Dealing 25 free damage without even looking at the guy sounds great right? Well you're also dead. And thats is just wrong for you.

But just shooting one Djinn ball deals 25 damage and heals for 15, without hurting you. That is ok with you?

As someone that used it even when the Jolly crystal was shit, it is an ok crystal now. I even phased it out and prob wont touch it, cause it isn't good enough.

(12-28-2018, 12:37 AM)Beebee1303 Wrote:  Dealing damage requires you to take damage. Dealing 25 free damage without even looking at the guy sounds great right? Well you're also dead. And thats is just wrong for you.

But just shooting one Djinn ball deals 25 damage and heals for 15, without hurting you. That is ok with you?

As someone that used it even when the Jolly crystal was shit, it is an ok crystal now. I even phased it out and prob wont touch it, cause it isn't good enough.

the fact that they die (sometimes) doesnt make it better. it's still you losing health for absolutely no reason and ruining your round

(12-28-2018, 12:37 AM)Beebee1303 Wrote:  Dealing damage requires you to take damage. Dealing 25 free damage without even looking at the guy sounds great right? Well you're also dead. And thats is just wrong for you.

But just shooting one Djinn ball deals 25 damage and heals for 15, without hurting you. That is ok with you?

As someone that used it even when the Jolly crystal was shit, it is an ok crystal now. I even phased it out and prob wont touch it, cause it isn't good enough.
I think the problem is that rather than rewarding the player using the crystal, it more feels like it punishes the traitors for doing their jobs. I think the best way to solve it overall is to just make the damage the crystal did heal up over time. That way the crystal still helps the person using it but it doesn't cripple the traitor permanently like it currently does. And with the healing factor I also believe it would be ok to slightly buff the amount reflected just to make it more viable with the ''nerf''. But yeah that's just my 2 cents I dunno why I decided to respond to beebee's comment instead of just posting in the thread.

literally nerf all crystals tbh unironically

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