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[CHANGE] Jolly Crystal

(12-27-2018, 10:33 PM)MicroBoss Wrote:  -1

just don't be sweaty Big Grin

And these types of posts are why items end up getting changed. Low effort "lol ur mad" posts only end up helping the other side and makes you look like a dickhead. Come up with an actual argument instead of trying to justify it as "lmao ur sweaty" and maybe items wouldn't get nerfed as much.

I do like the idea of the jolly crystal being changed to something more christmas-y though. I don't think an item that passively activates should ever do direct damage to the person that hurt you if you don't have to do anything(even the snow buddy doesnt do damage, he only stuns the person)

What if it provided a damage reduction, yet a movement penalty? We don't really have anything asides from -mobility stat that hampers movement. Could be a sort of "tanky" crystal.

Something else could be it'll randomly spawn a client-side present somewhere on the map when the round starts, and picking it up heals you for some HP and replenishes ammo. Kinda like a mini scavenger hunt, but only if you want to grab it.

Or it could be something like if you're about to die from fall damage or fire damage (i.e incens), it'll block a hit to save your life (I.E you'll survive a fall with 1HP, or get out of the fire at 1HP).

Maybe a passive ammo regen like the Dimension Crystal, but it affects other players around you, too. Could be a good event crystal to help out when synergized.

It should steal ammo like the Christmas Spirit trait instead of a knockoff nexus

EDIT: actually no, Terrans idea was cooler
Umpty Dumpty

A global dimension crystal would be really cool for it honestly, and it would go perfectly with the chirstmas theme.

I think the Jolly Crystal is perfectly fine. It provides an extra edge on a fight (as crystals are designed to do) without being overbearing. I have not used one so I am only speaking from the perspective of fighting one. The Jolly Crystal is good but it does not need a nerf. It does not decide a fight more often than not. I have not lost a fight and thought "wow I lost that because of Jolly Crystal". It is a very good crystal I think it is a step above dimension and reload crystal, but a step under djinn.

i like the idea of the a crystal that (to me) actually can compete with the djin crystal. passive players give another a taste of their own medicine Wink
but in all seriousness, i haven't used it much and haven't really noticed a big change in my game play since its been added. But i cant say that making the item more themed, or even what beebee said wouldn't be a cool idea to look into.
I just think that most crystals are Hit or miss (huh?), they either are the djin/synergiser/reload/recoil (if even this many) or they are barley worth using at all. Maybe if the crystals lacking that 'umph' were to be buffed or something we could look at them at more of an even field but as is, the scales have been in a not very surprising position for what id assume to be a while.
Jump/Rebounding/ and Gravity all work very similarly, and could be revamped to share the idea that they all have in common, a mobility crystal would be very cool as it is so involved in many of the guns and game play aspects. While the Blaze Crystal could potentially be just a Impact crystal and share the Fall reduction and the explosion reduction.
But like i said, in regards to the jolly, i wouldn't say nerf as much as id say im more-so open to see what could be added to it. Like the suggestion of a damage reduction, or impermanent damage delt so it dosnt cripple. I also liked Terrans Idea of the tanky crystal that slows u down given the benefits it provides.
Shit jolly could just be a mobility/damage reduction crystal and that would sit just fine with me too.
But this is all coming from a Nooby Non-mem. so ill get one and work on a solid response.

Before this thread it was 'buff jolly crystal its useless'.  It's a type of crystal we've never had before, it's not directly an offensive crystal, it's more so defensive as its proc requires you to lose health.

You have a 45% chance to deal 20% of the damage you received to the attacker. The downside is the fact you need to be damaged in order for it to proc, and that it can not kill the attacker.  (I have recently pushed a patch to fix that again)

Few things that can be done to balance is one of these:
  • Have it no longer proc on killing shot. (So if you headshot them with a rifle, it wont proc)
  • Upon killing a person with said crystal, you gain back the HP you lost to the crystal when battling them(which probably wont be anymore than 10-20 HP most of the time)

The idea I had for its theme was you get a 'gift' from someone (damage) and return the favor (some damage).

Just make it so it only reflects direct damage instead of others. It's not right that I can throw a grenade, have it reflected, and be kosed because someone saw me take damage.
Other than that, having it not work on killing procs like headshots is a good idea
Umpty Dumpty

(12-29-2018, 01:31 PM)Bezerker Wrote:  Just make it so it only reflects direct damage instead of others. It's not right that I can throw a grenade, have it reflected, and be kosed because someone saw me take damage.
Other than that, having it not work on killing procs like headshots is a good idea

The first bit was already fixed around the time you complained on the discord. If it happens again then that would be a bug and you should tell Brass about it.
The second bit is something Brass is suggesting.

(12-29-2018, 01:49 PM)Beebee1303 Wrote:  
(12-29-2018, 01:31 PM)Bezerker Wrote:  Just make it so it only reflects direct damage instead of others. It's not right that I can throw a grenade, have it reflected, and be kosed because someone saw me take damage.
Other than that, having it not work on killing procs like headshots is a good idea

The first bit was already fixed around the time you complained on the discord. If it happens again then that would be a bug and you should tell Brass about it.
The second bit is something Brass is suggesting.

your first bit I had not realized was fixed
your second bit wasn't right, I wasn't suggesting it, I was confirming that Brass's idea was good
Umpty Dumpty

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