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[Buff] Firewalkers and Camera Mount

Firewalkers and Camera Mounts are weak. No one uses them and there's not much use to buying them.

Firewalkers immediately call you out and don't give much result. Firewalkers could be buffed by burning bodies you walk over, and giving increased mobi, duration of fire and duration of the boots themselves. Imagine building a wall of fire to block a route that actually meant something.

Camera mounts aren't very helpful as you can't do much with them other than maybe seeing a person have a T weapon, which is not very likely.

Catbug suggests that the camera mount has a long tracer effect on everyone it sees within a distance say normal community pool one side of lobby to the other. This means if you witness a murder through it, you can actually kill the person you traced and gives an actual TTT gimmick that rewards smart placements. Or the tracer effect only highlights when someone is killed in it's vision.

Maybe it could have the players names above the people it sees when you look at the hand monitor.

CATBUG THATS AN AMAZING SUGGESTION! I would honestly love to see these get buffed, I thought they were cool at first, but then they just were horrible compared to other T/D items you could buy especially now that we have classes.
Bouncy Rounds

firewalkers do a shit ton of damage and set people on fire tho

I don't even remember suggesting that. I just say random ideas that come to my head at night....so yay me?
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Fire boots should be 35% mobility. only once active.

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