post 1 word and i add it to the sentence so its easier to keep track of and laugh at
etiquette dictates you should:
-wait for 2 people to post their words before posting another
-try not to end sentences unless long/comedic
Sentence is currently:
Fourscore jews and Terran ate Tacos however i'm gay and not the cat that you fuck. How tobias got aids. I'm wanna. Folks seriously help me out of Brassx's ass please send pics. Oscar Mayer is not my prosecuted rimjob hello dumbass hello Why hello What? judaism gay..... dreadark although, hello Where are gays... Parade likes Choke me by The Used. Moat has many compliments about Obama
etiquette dictates you should:
-wait for 2 people to post their words before posting another
-try not to end sentences unless long/comedic
Sentence is currently:
Fourscore jews and Terran ate Tacos however i'm gay and not the cat that you fuck. How tobias got aids. I'm wanna. Folks seriously help me out of Brassx's ass please send pics. Oscar Mayer is not my prosecuted rimjob hello dumbass hello Why hello What? judaism gay..... dreadark although, hello Where are gays... Parade likes Choke me by The Used. Moat has many compliments about Obama