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New Crate Suggestion: Carnal Crate

I've been thinking of this for some time now, thought I'd finish it when folks are suggesting fantasy stuff. Cause I don't know and I just wanted to finish this :/.

**Numbers can change, it is really just to give an idea.

This crate’s main gimmick is Cursed weapons, you gain something but for a price. These Curses will add a bit of depth while playing and could completely change how you play a round. Also it revolves around the 7 Deadly Sins cause I needed some direction and it was kinda fun thinking of these. (And stealing from other games)

Curse interactions.

Cursed [Tier] [Weapon] [Suffix]

One Curse per weapon.  

Cursed weapons cannot be dropped after the round started.  

Cursed weapon’s Pros and Cons are constant passives. Unless stated otherwise.

I'll be going in alphabetical order and pros/cons will be adjusted to whichever is more relevant.


Con: This Cursed weapon starts with no positive stats.

Pro: Whenever you get any Rightful kill, the highest unowned positive stat of the victim's current weapon is applied to this Cursed weapon. This only lasts a round and will go back to having no positive stats.


Pro: While damaged and out of combat (8 seconds without dealing/taking damage), consume 15% of max reserved ammo from the cursed weapon (Rounding up) every 2.5 seconds to heal 10 health. If your weapon normally holds 90 reserved ammo, you'll consume 14 ammo.

Con: If unable to eat 15% of max reserved ammo then receive 15 damage instead.


Con: You're unable to receive item/weapon end round drops. (Giveaways are unaffected)

Pro: If you survive the round, you'll have a higher chance for coin drops and is increased by 33%.

--------------Lust (Traitors only)--------------

(When you’re a T a random non-T will become your obsession)

Pro: When looking at your obsession*, gain damage towards your next shots. This has capped scaling to 20% bonus damage. 2% damage for each second of staring. Each shot consumes 5% bonus damage. (Shooting will consume even if it doesn't hit)

*Looking at your obsession is having your crosshair over them and seeing their information. (The karma, health, stance)

Con: You deal 90% reduced damage towards your obsession and they’re immune towards your bonus damage. When you stare at your obsession, the obsession can see a glowing outline of you. Thus revealing you're a T.

Background information.  

The obsession is aware of being the obsession, could be told in the chat “You can’t shake the feeling you’re being watched."  

The obsession isn’t told when they’re being watched, they'll have to be observant of others.

There is a .3 second grace period you won't reveal yourself if you put your crosshair over your obsession.

You'll be shown as bright pink outline when you look at your obsession. This will be shown through objects that apply.

In line with the rules, folks can't force anyone to look at the obsession if they don't want to.

Only one obsession per round.

**Issues: I don't know how this would work with multiple Lust guns. Should there be more then one, only one per round? Should they share the same person? I think there should only be one lust gun in effect and it should be chosen randomly.


Pro: +5% in every stat for the cursed gun while above 90% health.

Con: -5% in every stat for every weapon while below 89% health.

--------------Sloth (Melee only)--------------

Pro: This cursed weapon deals an extra 40% base damage.
The extra damage is separate and isn't affected by the weapons bonus stat damage.

Con: This cursed weapon's mobility and firerate are now -15%


Pro: This cursed weapon deals an extra 10% base damage.
The extra damage is separate and isn't affected by the weapons bonus stat damage.

Con: Take 25 damage each second until you’re at 35% max health.

This one scares the shit out of me and I don't blame people for saying it shouldn't be like this. But it fits the theme and I think it is a nice trade off.


Hand of Greed
Weapon: Pistol (Really any semi-auto secondary)
Rarity: Primordial

Accuracy: +100%
Clip: -9 (Or what ever leaves it at 1 clip)
Mobility: -25%

*Can't reload, be dropped, or have reserved ammo.
*Deals a flat 25 damage, this is effected by damage reduction.
*Rightful kills with Hand of Greed rewards the user with 100 gold.


Malus [Weapon]
Weapon: All
Rarity: Godlike

Enhanceable tier weapon that goes to level 7.

Base                                # of Points                    Max
Accuracy: 0%                         2                          18%
Clip: 0%                                  2                          20%
Deploy Speed: 0%                  1                          10%
Damage: 0%                           3                           19%
Firerate: 0%                            3                          20%
Mobility: 0%                           1                             6%
Reload Speed: 0%                  1                          7.5%
Stability: 0%                           2                           17%

*This will be the first to have a clip percent. Mainly rewarding weapons with a higher then average clip.

You'll be able to feed the weapon guns with nonGodlike+ traits on them, after you've fed enough weapons with the trait you want you can lock it in and it'll be on the weapon forever. However, it'll be far weaker then what you would normally find, but you get to have the choice of what traits are on your weapon.

All traits being put on Malus weapons will be 33% weaker.
There is a 4 trait limit. Further traits will replace a trait at random.

1 in 10-20 chances will be 13-27.
Mobility boos will 27% speed.
DoTs time and damage will be reduced by 33%.

On average, this is slightly worse then most top tier, uhh well tiers. (However, they'll have a higher PWR then their Heroic/Eerie counterparts. That is because accuracy counts towards and against PWR. They'll have less damage and firerate, but have 0% accuracy.) The upside is that you get to choose what stats and traits you want to customize just for weapon type.
If you had a rifle do you really care about the clip, would you rather exchange that stat for accuracy? Would you rather have deploy speed on a secondary then mobility? Shotguns arn't hurt that much by the decreased chances, why not have double shoot on it? This is a flexible enhanceable, the numbers maybe off but it really is just a proof of concept.


Sloth's Disgrace
Slot: Misc
Rarity: Primordial

-15% Mobility
+15% Damage Reduction

*Unable to jump
*Able to climb up walls or steps (Slightly slower then Shurikens and Zombies.)
*Crouching and uncrouching are 50% slower


Mortal's Pride
Slot: Misc or crystal
Rarity: Legendary

Whenever you take damage, you have a 25-35% chance for your health to be set and remain at 1.


Crystallized Lust
Slot: Crystal
Rarity: Primordial

+5% Mobility
-8% Damage Reduction

If traitor

Become obsessed with one random non Traitor.

Passive is tripled (+15% M and -24% DR) when walking towards your obsession. (Judged off a 15 degree cone, so you don't have to look directly at them to get the passive)

Only one obsession per round.


Jar of Sin
Slot: Consumable/Rune
Rarity: Godlike

Has 3 charges
Primordial consumes 3 charges
Legendaries and below consume 1 charge.

Apply a random Curse to Primordial weapons and below. When it is applied to a weapon, 1 random negative stat  (Excluding clip) will be increased by 50% (-10% Stability will become -15% Stability.)

If weapons has more then 4 traits it will replace a random trait.

If you read all this, thank you. If you have any ideas I'd like to hear them.

While this seems pretty thought out, I really dislike the ideas around most of these.

I'll go with the order you posted them.

Envy is fine, but it's really just a slightly different ectoplasmic.

Gluttony is not worth using unless you have a dimension crystal since it's probably just going to end up killing you, especially on maps with scarce ammo.

I don't think items should directly interfere with drops unless they're runes, and the item drops have a pretty good chance of being worth more than the coin drops in the first place./

If anything, lust should be the exact opposite of what you have posted. Lust is an overwhelming desire for something, usually sexual in nature, why would you make it harder to acquire that which you lust after? You should be dealing a flat % increase to your "obsession" and should get a new one each time you kill them.

Pride should really be 100% and a loss from 99%, there's nothing to be proud of when finishing a round after taking damage.

Sloth is fine I guess, though most melees will now one shot on head.

Does the weapon with Wrath have to be out, or just on your person? Either way, a relatively small increase to one stat for a trade off of 65% of your hp is something that I will pass on every time.

Hand of Greed is dumb. I don't think need to explain this one.

Malus is neat, I like it, though the coin sink idea is a little dumb. But it should have a cap to how many traits you can have active on it at one time.

Sloth's Disgrace is a cool idea for a misc, though I'm not sure how useful it'll be most of the time. Would buy.

Mortal's pride is just downright trash. I get it's supposed to be like the focus sash from Pokemon, but the amount of times it would be useful I can count on my fingers, as opposed to the times it's not, which I don't have nearly enough hands for. Falling 5 feet and taking 6 damage? 1hp. Getting shot twice by an inno in the foot for 5 damage? 1hp. Getting struck with a DoT? 1hp, dead. It would be a little more viable if it was when your hp would fall below 1 that it has the chance to activate.

I don't really like the obsession idea that much in the first place, but having this crystal equipped basically confirms your obsession as proven as soon as the round starts. Which is a little dumb. Also, like the one above, this doesn't have much use either. Especially if you have to be traitor for it to even do anything other than go a little faster.

Jar of sin is what it is.

The problem with the majority of these is that there aren't enough benefits to using any of these, other than maybe pride, and I guess lust.

Envy, kill people to get more stats. Cool. No positive stats to start with and only useful as traitor? Not as cool.
Gluttony, use ammo to heal. Cool. Will die the second you can't find any more ammo and need to heal? Not as cool.
Greed, turns your 10 coin drop into 13. Cool. No other drops? Not as cool.
Lust, do more damage just by looking at someone. Cool. They can see you looking at them and will take roughly 2 damage per full auto shot? Not as cool.
Pride, Do more damage with lots of health. Cool. Do less with less. Fair.
Sloth, become an unstoppable killing machine. Cool.
Wrath, your gun gets more damage. Cool. It's only ~1-5 more per body shot, and you nearly instantly fall to 35% hp. Not as Cool.

(04-05-2019, 06:42 PM)Fuzzy "Mc-Cones" Mcnomnoms Wrote:  Envy is fine, but it's really just a slightly different ectoplasmic.

It is mainly for low tier challenge weapons.

Gluttony is not worth using unless you have a dimension crystal since it's probably just going to end up killing you, especially on maps with scarce ammo.

Thats the idea, forcing you to have a dimension crystal. You lose a crystal slot for large amount of out of combat healing. You can put it on your secondary and get the healing.

I don't think items should directly interfere with drops unless they're runes, and the item drops have a pretty good chance of being worth more than the coin drops in the first place.

Fair enough. Although you're going to get crappy weapons and crates, which the increased chance for coin drops+33% more can be of same value.

I was combining Dead by Daylight obsession and a Yendere. They like to protect their obsession, they get more damage against other people. I don't know, didn't want folks having their round being ruined cause they rolled bad on RNG. Kinda sucks being focused you know? Wanted something different.

Pride should really be 100% and a loss from 99%, there's nothing to be proud of when finishing a round after taking damage.

I wanted this so BAD. But could you think of all the piss and vinegar from taking one damage? But yes if I could trust folks from not randomly damaging with the Hellfire, then I would 100% change it to take no damage.

Sloth is fine I guess, though most melees will now one shot on head.

Fair enough, could add a -deploy speed so they have to have it out.

Does the weapon with Wrath have to be out, or just on your person? Either way, a relatively small increase to one stat for a trade off of 65% of your hp is something that I will pass on every time.

They're constant passives, so it will damage you at the start of the game.
It is to alter your gameplay with these curses. You're not going to buy body armor with this, OR you do and take a vitality crystal to get 7-9 health. You'll have effectually 58 health.
But tacking 3-5 extra damage to the head can upgrade weapons number of headshots.
It can give shotguns an easier time.
35% damage weapons are nutty

Hand of Greed is dumb. I don't think need to explain this one.

Fair enough, not every suggestion is suppose to be Godtier. It is just a thematically weapon.

Malus is neat, I like it, though the coin sink idea is a little dumb. But it should have a cap to how many traits you can have active on it at one time.

Well we do have a lot of coins in the economy and it used to customize a weapon to your taste. You really think Arvid would do this so many times for free?
Forgive me I thought it was common knowledge four was the trait max.

Sloth's Disgrace is a cool idea for a misc, though I'm not sure how useful it'll be most of the time. Would buy.


This is from NTG, I just wanted to bring it back cause it was funny as shit.

I don't really like the obsession idea that much in the first place, but having this crystal equipped basically confirms your obsession as proven as soon as the round starts. Which is a little dumb. Also, like the one above, this doesn't have much use either. Especially if you have to be traitor for it to even do anything other than go a little faster.

Saying, "I'm an obsession" is just as effective as, "I'm innocent". The only way you can prove you're the obsession is by taking a screenshot and that is ghosting. Ts can state they're the obsession.
The crystal doesn't need to be good or a Godtier, there needs to be some garbage in crates. It can't just be all gravy.

Jar of sin is what it is.

Fair enough.

I dunno I like most of these ideas, although I feel that there are a lot of kinks and shit to work out with numbers and such. I am particularly fond of Lust and I feel that fun shenanigans could come from that. I also like Malus as a weapon idea but I think it's be cool if it had an active ability such as slowing down and charging an AOE nova that afflicts all nearly players with every status effects on it but like 90% weaker so that you'd be rewarded for putting some dank shit on it that isn't just the average phoenix and corrosion.

it seems like you put a lot of thought into these, and while I don't personally see myself using any of these, they're cool base ideas to work off of.

also hand of greed is just a slay the spire card you stole you stealer

These are my initial thoughts on the post and what I would rework from them to suit what i find neato, so I apologize if this is basically just a total reimagining of the seven deadly sin ideas (not a big fan of traits just having +dmg which is pretty prevelant here)

Envy I really like I would love a fun ass Envy Rifle of the Phoenix or some shit like that xD.

Gluttony not the biggest fan of because you can run into a gunfight and pick 1 guy off with lets say a deagle, switch back to primary and warrior dash away and wouldnt be the most fun(In addition to not being the most fun and having to micromanage and be pretty tryhard I dont see many people using this).

Greed I like how items do not really affect drops, and I think it should stay that way since then you could just get a bit of money and just snowball to rich man wheras the fun part for me is grinding(also this trait doesnt have much to do with FRG mechanics, just drop mechanics generally I think it would be better to do the same thing but instead of increasing end round drops if alive just make orbs higher drop chance). Maybe like a 1/3 chance when you rune out of bullets in your clip to auto replenish clip so you can continue shooting.

Lust seems kinda cool, but I think there should be some kind of Innocent version and a simpler obsession mechanic such as Obsessions being Detectives or someone who has killed a T buddy
and maybe have a hidden obsession for inno/det so if you kill a t that killed a Detective they become a Obsession (I feel like there is too much going on with the obsession stuff so maybe just simplify it so that when killing them you get a damage boost on them and they can see when you are watching them [maybe have it alot more general though so if you are decently close and are looking in their general direction they get the notification]).

Pride is kinda boring in my opinion, I like traits that have a bit more feel so maybe it has like a kill spree stat bonus or after dealing x rightful damage you can become filled with pride getting more hp and speed but get a golden crown and king player model or something. Or alternatively there could be a speed increase and damage increase but you take damage overtime with trait having a variable on time and damage taken.

Sloth- Not a big fan of this because of just basically being a stat overhaul.

Wrath- I see you really like stat increases, Im not the biggest fan of a damage increase as the main stat atleast without a noticability such as increase speed and screen effects to make me feel powerful so maybe spawn a lightning strike near the person randomly that you are shooting (shitty deimos) Seems kinda op but sounds badass and maybe darkens the targets screen.

crate suggestion: cars 2 the movie

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