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Banned for false metagaming????

Steam Name (During incident): GUTS

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:114655905

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/violet_evergarden_is_best_girl/

Name of staff you were banned by: Beebee1303

Length of the ban: 7 days

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: Meta-gaming

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: no

What really happened?: How would I get banned for other actions of lining up? I literally did not ask for help nor did I ask them to line up for me. Before the action which proclaimed to be metagaming someone in the voice chat said "everyone line up". I did not initiate metagaming nor support it. I had no control over them not shooting me or their actions I just saw the opportunity of getting as many kills as I was a T and that is what you're supposed to do, I was only playing my role in the game. No one in the server at the time was friends with me or added on my friend's list.

Additional details:

From folks that were in the round, they said "He DID ask for kills for his challenge" Mainly asking Doot Doot and Master. Which Doot agreed but didn't follow through and Master went with it.
He gunned down three people that were in a line, which was suggested by either Guts or Master. While they being holstered was Master's idea.

Also, you had an entire round to decline their offers, you had plenty of time to say that was metagaming. It wasn't on the spot as you claim.
(04-11-2019, 07:50 AM)GUTS Wrote:  Before the action which proclaimed to be metagaming someone in the voice chat said "everyone line up".
I believe it was round 3 when they offered the kills and round 4 when they lined up.



trigger kinda confirmed that you guys were metagaming and you are basically lying on this application.

Guts you complained almost every round about needing kills for your glock. now i don't remember if you asked everyone to line up, but you clearly had a role. i'd say you played into the opportunity you created. We all had a role to play in this, and i feel like we should just accept that we are capable of making a mistake, and try to learn from it. Rather than seeming to hide from it or stretch the truth in our favor. we all have things to work on and we are only human.

(04-11-2019, 09:48 AM)Trigger_hurt Wrote:  Guts you complained almost every round about needing kills for your glock. now i don't remember if you asked everyone to line up, but you clearly had a role. i'd say you played into the opportunity you created. We all had a role to play in this, and i feel like we should just accept that we are capable of making a mistake, and try to learn from it. Rather than seeming to hide from it or stretch the truth in our favor. we all have things to work on and we are only human.

The Metagame, or game about the game, is any approach to a game that transcends or operates outside of the prescribed rules of the game; uses external factors to affect the game; or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.

This is the literal definition of metagame, if they didn't talk in any out of game factors- I don't see why this would be against the rules.

Last time I checked telling someone to line up and holster isn't against any in-game rules? In-fact, if your a traitor you should be able to use almost whatever means in voice chat necessary to win... I could see possible banning the people actually dumb enough to line up, but unless he actually orchestrated this out of game- I don't see how this ban is worthy.

Had you been on the server at the time, im sure you'd have a different opinion on the situation. The series of events that let up to that moment was the doing of everyone involved. It's hard to explain with out a whole video of all the conversations. My thing is everyone played a part, and not owning up to it makes everyone else who was involved look worse. To say Guts had absolutely no part in this would be a false statement. Though i can see how you feel that way. the main problem was we all did it to specifically help guts out on his scroll. Everyone knew at that time even Guts. Though to say a T should be able to use almost whatever means in voice chat necessary to win, kind of doesn't make sense. If you were a T to use voice chat to say "Can i kill everyone to finish my scroll" and everyone lets him kill them. that'd be meta-gaming.

-1, if only for the sole reasom that after the first time everyone lined up for you, you tried to get it to happen again, announcing to everyone on your later T-Rounds "guess what time it is" all over again, and continuing to talk about lining up after the first occurence.

Not really much hard evidence that you had much to do with it other than taking advantage of unarmed innocents, it looked more like others orchestrated it for you, and if that's the case, I can't really see reason to punish you too hard. Anyone who sees people lined up and are easy kills would take that opportunity.
However, if this is something that occurs too frequently around you, it'll definitely stockpile as evidence of you having to do with it.


- That Thrakos Noob

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