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Map Handling

The way the maps are being handled is pretty poor.

Not a personal attack at all. But Jake is targeting maps he doesn't like and not going after maps that have actual problems. While not even giving a good reason to remove them.

"Jake: ttt_lazertag (I know we don't leave our houses much but I can promise you that this isn't the laser tag experience you're looking for.)"

Doesn't have a good reason to remove it, doesn't hurt frames, not a delay map, and supports a lot of play styles.

While maps like Construct is still not on the chopping block. Where it severally limits play styles, delays are normal cause folks likes going on the top buildings, and one of the larger maps with literally have bare bone things.

vs: "Jake: ttt_bluesky (This map is pretty large and a bit hard to navigate. It leads to some delay.)"

Now he did get some bad maps out, but it should be handled a lot better then this. There should also be a huge thread of maps that should be removed from what the people want. And then that map should be on a thread by Parade or Jake. Then it should be a +/-1 style and give a reason instead of a poll. Hell throw some rep in there when they mention problems or good aspects of a map. And maps should be removed when it is a good majority that wants to remove the map, instead of polls winning or losing by 1 vote. Such as 60%

The way knave did his is what I would love to see.


kinda agree on this one.

LazerTag is a fun map and the reasoning for its removal is bad.

CAN WE PLEASE REMOVE CONSTRUCT. (not even a TTT map and super delay map)

The voting is still up to the community, though. If the majority vote to remove it, then remove it.


like beebee said, nothing against jake or parade, but I don't think that putting a poll on a map, giving a tiny sentence of a problem you believe is there, and then deciding to remove/keep the map based on the votes, which are often a close split.

Even if we keep the threads that jake makes and keep it working like that, I think that the votes that are close splits should have their own thread made about them, where people are free to +1 or -1 keeping it, and give their reasoning for supporting that side.

lasertag is a good example of the error in the process.
this map, which many actually enjoy, was removed by a decision of 1 vote. I think the process definitely needs some revision

(04-27-2019, 04:42 AM)Alex Summers Wrote:  yeah

like beebee said, nothing against jake or parade, but I don't think that putting a poll on a map, giving a tiny sentence of a problem you believe is there, and then deciding to remove/keep the map based on the votes, which are often a close split.

Even if we keep the threads that jake makes and keep it working like that, I think that the votes that are close splits should have their own thread made about them, where people are free to +1 or -1 keeping it, and give their reasoning for supporting that side.

lasertag is a good example of the error in the process.
this map, which many actually enjoy, was removed by a decision of 1 vote. I think the process definitely needs some revision

In my opinion, if half the server dislikes a map I don't see a reason to keep it.

EDIT: for sure it could be done a bit better though, but it's better than it was before.

Also you could cheese the polls easily, so that isn't a reliable way of doing this.

Construct isn't on the chopping block because it has a challenge scroll challenge.

I do think votes that close should require a recall though, and a separate thread made on. However, that's why jake and parade have this power. If its a 50/50 they should be the ones to make the call if it stays or goes.

Half the server disliking it is just as important as the other half liking it, dread.

Otherwise, I don't really see the problem, nor do I see why this needed to be posted on the forums rather than directed directly to parade/jake.

A poll for each one is much better than +1/-1 because you don't have to state a reason. People are lazy enough as is, and having them need to post a reason to keep or remove a map would just make the entire process more bloated and tedious. (Not to mention not having to sign into the forums is good)

If you want more people to participate, that's how you do it. Giving rep just increases the workload of unpoke and I even more, and it's just not worth it when polls work just fine.

I don't think removing one map quest is that bad. especially when its on the biggest and delay-able maps.
There are a lot of map challenges so removing one wouldn't hurt.

Sorry if I'm doing anything wrong since I haven't posted anything here.

I think it's a fresh idea to remove some of the maps that aren't exactly liked.
However, I do agree that the thoughts and opinions on these maps could be better than what was stated.
They haven't exactly persuade me to see why they're up since I ended up relying on my experience of these maps when I have played in general (as in my entire gmod playtime).
I wouldn't hold it against Black Parade or Jake because everybody has to start somewhere (whether they had good start or bad start), and they can improve over time with valid criticisms.
If you're removing it because you don't like it, fine by me.
I just think there's something other than your opinions that can be stated that demonstrates why this map is bad (whether you like it or not).
Rip it off other people. Ask other people's views on why they're suggesting it to be removed. And so on. (if you can't think of a reason to remove it)
You got a whole community that you can talk to for opinions and views on the map.

As for the polls, I think they're fine because they help streamline the process rather than forcing them to manually count each +1/-1/neutrals.
However, like I said above, try to encourage discussions on the maps. This can help other people to see why it should be kept or removed.

Just my 2 cents.

(04-27-2019, 04:58 AM)Brassx Wrote:  Half the server disliking it is just as important as the other half liking it, dread.

I'd argue its more important because every map should be enjoyed by a majority of the people. I don't see the point in keeping a map if half the people dislike it. Jake was right for removing lazertag imo.

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