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(Scamming) The loss of a friend for "Justice"

I'd like to say, I'm disgusted by this thread. Its upsetting that in a community SOME OF US CONSIDER AS CLOSE AS A BIG FAMILY, that some people's comments look as though they are just commenting to throw flame at one another. This report could have been made without ANY of the direct personal jabs people are throwing. Not everyone is going to get along, which is sad because its the easiest thing to just be nice. I dont have a problem with anyone here, and even if I did I'd still treat them with respect. I didn't witness anything that went on, and apologies for commenting without it being helpful toward ending the situation but I felt this needed said.

Man, reminds me of that time that old manager of NTG came back once and jacked my kusanagi. I can't remember his name, but he was one of the managers before Ianno. I let him borrow it and didn't hear back for weeks, brass had to teleport it into my inventory. Sucks when that happens.

jesus guys...
this is actually ridiculous. I got off right before all of this went down, but after looking at the screenshots and watching TJ's video, this is just awful.
This was nothing but a witchhunt against jerk, purely because micro does not like him and convinced atma to feel the same.
There is no right in scamming an accused "scammer," Jerk even said he didn't want this whole thing to escalate and purely wanted the gun back.
The worst thing Jerk did in this situation is ask to hold the dragon egg so he could mess w/ micro and everyone (admittedly, he probably shouldn't do this to try to make people who already dislike him even more upset, but that still doesnt call for what you guys did) . He never tried to convince atma to sell it to him for a cheap price, never even said that he wanted the damn thing.
I know Jerk has been involved in a lot of shady things,  but there was no reason for any of this. like its been said, Jerk was already on thin ice and sure as hell wouldn't do something as dumb and blatant as this.
I've been in discord a good bit with Micro and others, I know how much you guys dislike Jerk, but to go this far is horrid.

Not only, Micro, were you convincing Atma that what he did was perfectly acceptable and actually encouraged it, but you were turning a fairly new player against a member of the server purely because you had your own vendetta against him, seriously?

I hope you guys are fully prepared for whatever punishments come your way.

(05-04-2019, 04:12 PM)Alex Summers Wrote:  jesus guys...
this is actually ridiculous. I got off right before all of this went down, but after looking at the screenshots and watching TJ's video, this is just awful.
This was nothing but a witchhunt against jerk, purely because micro does not like him and convinced atma to feel the same.
There is no right in scamming an accused "scammer," Jerk even said he didn't want this whole thing to escalate and purely wanted the gun back.
The worst thing Jerk did in this situation is ask to hold the dragon egg so he could mess w/ micro and everyone (admittedly, he probably shouldn't do this to try to make people who already dislike him even more upset, but that still doesnt call for what you guys did) . He never tried to convince atma to sell it to him for a cheap price, never even said that he wanted the damn thing.
I know Jerk has been involved in a lot of shady things,  but there was no reason for any of this. like its been said, Jerk was already on thin ice and sure as hell wouldn't do something as dumb and blatant as this.
I've been in discord a good bit with Micro and others, I know how much you guys dislike Jerk, but to go this far is horrid.

Not only, Micro, were you convincing Atma that what he did was perfectly acceptable and actually encouraged it, but you were turning a fairly new player against a member of the server purely because you had your own vendetta against him, seriously?

I hope you guys are fully prepared for whatever punishments come your way.

Isis firing squad incoming pog FR

so i wasnt sure if was gonna post last night but since named me as notable i figured i had to.

to start off it could of been anyone under the sun including jerk butt and i still would of said the same stuff and still laughed in the process of it all.

i was on when atmisfear dropped the egg till when jerk butt got off lobby to make the thread, the only part i didnt see was when they made the trade on ttt cause i went to lobby.
for the record i told atmisfear to give jerk butt the item back several times because listening to jerk butt squirm was getting old quite quick, the funny bits mostly came from atmisfear's end.
thats pretty much all i could do considering i was trying to get through my egg stack and my shard stack and make keys. (why cant we talk while making keys or using egg device, its really inconvenient)
i will say it was in poor taste for atmisfear to do this but also that jerk butt should of known better with the trading.
i have no stake in this for any party involved i merely was in the discord chilling with the people in it, i still dont know what all is true and whats not in the end , i will say that atma was invited to the discord like 10 mins after jerk butt got off lobby.
i told atma that he should still give the item back cause jerks just in a gray area for me but i honestly can say i dont hate him, im not interested in being confrontational like the ntg days cause i dont have a stake in frg like ntg, i have no responsibility here and its kinda great.
i could only recount the main points of the event i couldnt even begin to give every line of chat or comms, my memory was never that good even on ntg.
all that happend after was just everyone getting atmas perspective and doing some kraken fights while he recounted it.

i think there is still more information to be given here but not by me so ill just end it with these next lines

i couldnt careless what the outcome of this thread will be, im only here because i was named notable , i do think atma might deserve some form of punishment if something doesnt happen but i did hear jerk say from his mouth that he didnt type temp in the trade chat.

i will say some people were trying to get more involved then they should of but i dont think those people did enough to warrant anything but some disappointment and finger wags

i will say that im not interested in having everyone in frg like me much like ntg but i dont plan making the enemies i did like ntg, so think what you want from this post just know that it isnt that deep for me and that any outcome will not replace the giggles i had last night listening and watching this unfold. thats my two cents(more like a dollar really) but get what you can from this or even msg me on steam or discord if you want a more focused point in the story, but love yall peace ( dont hate me brass im neutral, really)

after reading the evidence and watching the video, I'd be shocked if atma specifically doesn't get banned. his attitude towards the server and blatant disregard/disrespect for the rules is pretty telling as to how much he actually cares about the server.

That being said, people who egged this on in chat (which you can clearly see in the video, like those who said that since the trade wasn't ever typed as temp, it didn't count) should 100% be punished and worse than team sweat got for the zebrah ordeal. Sharking/Scamming a new player is bad-- but at least he got something. This was straight up theft of a gun.

finally, it's not a good look to have two people from micro's discord seemingly insta-brigade this thread and calling a cut-and-dry scam shady on the victims' part. not a good look at all.
waiting patiently to see what brass has in mind for all those complicit.

(05-04-2019, 04:40 PM)DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Wrote:  after reading the evidence and watching the video, I'd be shocked if atma specifically doesn't get banned. his attitude towards the server and blatant disregard/disrespect for the rules is pretty telling as to how much he actually cares about the server.

That being said, people who egged this on in chat (which you can clearly see in the video, like those who said that since the trade wasn't ever typed as temp, it didn't count) should 100% be punished and worse than team sweat got for the zebrah ordeal. Sharking/Scamming a new player is bad-- but at least he got something. This was straight up theft of a gun.

finally, it's not a good look to have two people from micro's discord seemingly insta-brigade this thread and calling a cut-and-dry scam shady on the victims' part. not a good look at all.
waiting patiently to see what brass has in mind for all those complicit.
Isis firing squad incoming pog FR

Most people in this situation need a healthy dose of introspection. Jerk Butt is no saint, but he isn't a malicious person. A little selfish maybe. Hell the man never made a trade without profit in his life. But come on this is absolutely ridiculous. You are free not to like people and trust me there are some people on here I could personally care less about. But stop being immature assholes about it . I'm not going to discriminate against someone over a couple negative impressions in the past. It's too easy to get a negative image of someone and then fall into a confirmation bias ignoring everything positive and only building on negatives.

If you are taking this shit so seriously that you feel the need to maliciously strike out at people you don't like in a videogame grow the fuck up. You should have bigger worries in life than that one guy in a game you don't like to obsess about. If you feel jerk butt or anyone for the matter is such a problem in the community make a report, and one that isn't just a hit piece at that too. It's absurd to me that people are so happy to burn bridges in such small communities. Until then be civil to the person. You don't need to like someone to not be an asshole to them. If you do that you are the asshole.

(05-04-2019, 06:09 PM)Tarrasque Wrote:  I'm not going to discriminate against someone over some a couple negative impressions in the past. It's too easy to get a negative image of someone and then fall into a confirmation bias ignoring everything positive and only building on negatives.
My reputation as the "complainer" only sits to prove Tarrasques words.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

I only witnessed the very start of this whole situation. I was on for Atma dropping the egg, and atma saying how jerk butt messaged him and how he trusts jerk butt because they were old friends. Atma mentioned how jerk butt was just telling him to be safe with it too. And then Micro got on and started trying to offer for it, from what I saw, and then I got off. So i didnt see most of it, but I don't think jerk butt had any malicious intent at all asking to do a temp trade. It was troll-y and probably unneccesary but he didn't deserve this. Watching the video is really sickening. It's clear that it was all based on this sick twisted thought of justice, that they'd be hailed as epic heroes who trolled jerk butt so hard and gave him what he deserved. A sick ego trip designed to humiliate jerk butt.  And how atma had hinted that he was backed by brass, yikes. And micro supporting him and telling him he can't get banned, and then not owning up to any of it being his fault. This is definitely bannable. People seem to forget that toxic behavior, is also against the rules and this is very toxic.

bruh moment

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