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computer technician please!


I recently built a pc for the first time ever, and so far... It's the most regretful thing ever.
already, I've ran into some seriously frustrating problems. Please. Help. Me.
I get about 20-30 fps on gmod and just now did it start crashing every 30 mins. What. The. Fuck.
I could play games like Arma III and Killing floor 2, a few days prior. But, now they run like i'm playing on a 150$ Toshiba laptop...

My friend helped me with everything but he left for a trip. Then, I asked 2 dumbasses (Terran & Jake), but they are also clueless. I pretty much have 0 experience with computers and have no idea what i'm doing. I'm a physiotherapist for god's sake.
I'm kindly asking for someone with at least some form of computer knowledge to help me. Please, before I go on a rampage.

Here are the specs :
Ryzen 3 2200G

This + the case + power supply.... cost me about 630$ CAD
Yes, I know. Fuck Canada. That's exactly why i'm so frustrated right now, though! I spent more than what you Americans would have and it doesn't even work properly.

I'm on a break from work for 2 weeks and would like to become the man child I once was. The man child that could enjoy video games without encountering shitty tech problems.

im not a computer building whiz or anything like that (got mine prebuilt) but it sounds like its using integrated graphics from your motherboard/cpu rather than your gpu, have you checked to see if your computer even recognizes that your gpu is installed?
also im sure you tried updating drivers right

- That Thrakos Noob


First off, let me say it is much harder to diagnose a computer when you aren't physically present. It's still doable, but it's not fun in the slightest. Knowing the components is barely any information to begin figuring out what might be wrong.

This being said, there are numerous things that can impact your computer's performance and there are numerous causes to each. This is not a fully comprehensive list of what could be wrong, just examples.
- Improper installation of components
- Overheating
- Failing components
- Outdated drivers (or none at all)

So this being said, you need to begin by detailing all the things you have checked already with the "two dumbasses" or else you are gonna waste my time.

Edit: And please, provide pictures of the outside of the computer(at the back where all the cables are). Make sure we can actually see what is where, please.

What Davdo said, we might not be the best people to go to regarding this since we (I'm alright) aren't hardware junkies unlike tomshardware, linustechtip forums etc if we cannot solve the problem since they are filled with people who know almost every aspect of those pieces Smile

This post is gold. I have no freaking clue what might be wrong but its funny af to read. Just seeing your loss of sanity through your post. Good luck, despite all the computer frustration I have had, I am blessed to never have been stuck in a situation like this.

Well I actually did have a problem like this once but it was what Unpoke described, my computer wasn't recognizing my graphics card (put it in wrong)

(06-01-2019, 02:18 AM)Davdo Wrote:  Hello.

First off, let me say it is much harder to diagnose a computer when you aren't physically present. It's still doable, but it's not fun in the slightest. Knowing the components is barely any information to begin figuring out what might be wrong.

This being said, there are numerous things that can impact your computer's performance and there are numerous causes to each. This is not a fully comprehensive list of what could be wrong, just examples.
- Improper installation of components
- Overheating
- Failing components
- Outdated drivers (or none at all)

So this being said, you need to begin by detailing all the things you have checked already with the "two dumbasses" or else you are gonna waste my time.

Edit: And please, provide pictures of the outside of the computer(at the back where all the cables are). Make sure we can actually see what is where, please.

Image Image Image
The best quality I could get out of my iPhone. Anyways, I was only told to update my drivers and to verify if my gpu was correctly installed, which it is. I typed in dxdiag and my computer clearly detects it. It says RX 560 series.

Im gonna comment on the arma 3 part.

So from what I know the engine arma is built on is almost always runs like shit on amd. I am not sure why but arma seems to only run well on intel chips.

Turn off integrated graphics and make sure your hdmi or display port is plugged into the graphics card
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

Run your computer on gmod for a bit and then take a look at the temperatures of the parts. Speccy or something like it shows it all in once easy place

(06-01-2019, 07:49 PM)Fuzzy Wrote:  Run your computer on gmod for a bit and then take a look at the temperatures of the parts. Speccy or something like it shows it all in once easy place


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