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Three Suggestions

1. Maybe make items from giveaway have a higher chance to roll than 1-97. There's been a caliburn in the giveaway for days and it still hasn't rolled. My suggestion would be for it to go down to 1-50 for godlikes, and 1-25 for prims.

2. Longsword rounds. They're not fun at all, I always hear everyone complain when one starts randomly. They give no loot at all, except to the top person, even then they get like 5 crates. Please remove them, they're unfun

3. Make Bloodwynd's head glow the color of circle it's doing to make it a bit easier when the circles dont appear.

1. nah no point. The point is to keep people playing in anticipation of the giveaway. I don't see a big deal if it stays 1/97 and doesn't roll for a while. it will eventually.
2. As much as I dislike longsword rounds, I know that it is probably just because I am bad and I don't think removing them is the way to go. Plus there are people who like them

the only thing that needs to be changed about long sword rounds is that you cant see when someone is blocking, that just needs to be fixed and theyll be fine

1. I think the godlike chances are fine, but prims need to be hella lowered. There's so much random clutter in the giveaway, it takes months to get to an actual good item that someone puts in.
2. No, I personally love longsword rounds. It'd be dumb to remove them. Most people say they don't like it because they quite literally need to get good.

(06-28-2019, 06:17 PM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  the only thing that needs to be changed about long sword rounds is that you cant see when someone is blocking, that just needs to be fixed and theyll be fine
yeah, this would make things a lot easier

1.) nah itll roll eventually, things roll all the time
2.) longsword rounds are super fun Sad my favorite, even when bullshittery happens
3.) thats a bug

- That Thrakos Noob

1: I agree prims should start lower considering how many are in the giveaway but it doesn't really matter

2: I think longswords are fine as is tbh and they're fun

3: BW is already kinda easy to do as a duo so I don't think it really needs to be adjusted

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