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Scattershot Change

I was using the scattershot today and I honestly feel as if it's just another weapon for innocents to one-shot traitor and make them feel miserable. My scattershot isn't even leveled and already I feel like I'm ruining people's day. On a traitor round, the gun is balanced and requires you to execute one or two innocents at a time or be overwhelmed. It's great for that. But the downside is that it's loud and you're out of a magazine after two shots, giving an opening for an innocent or detective to close the gap and kill you before you reload.

However, on an innocent or detective round, this isn't an issue. You can unload both shots with no repercussions and even instantly kill a traitor in one shot, even with the armor damage mitigation. You can do that with a normal shotgun if you hit every bullet, but the scattershot has eight individual bullets that are extremely accurate and have great range in a set pattern, especially in a close space like indoors. I have consistently had my traitor rounds ended on maps like this where I have no choice but to approach an innocent or detective using the scattershot, and died with no surprise. I legitimately am trying to avoid engaging people using the gun because I know I'll die.

Now, I know there's going to be people opposed to this, because they just discovered the gun and want to have fun with it, but I feel the range and damage should be lowered in favor of giving it a significantly faster reload speed and deploy time to allow it to be a stronger gun overall, while lowering the burst damage of it. The deploy speed will help swapping to and from your secondary, which you'll be doing a lot assuming you need to finish someone off or swap back from your secondary in the middle of a gunfight, while the reload makes it more reliable overall and more realistic that you'll be able to use it as a traitor to engage more than one innocent.

I don't know how everyone else feels, but I know at least a number of people that are legitimately not playing TTT right now until the use of the gun dies down. Hopefully it's changed for the better, because it's not fun to play against right now.

I've played against it and with it and it feels fine for the most part. The weapon is a shotgun and is acting like a shotgun should. This is the only server I know of where shotguns are basically useless and this is the first shotgun that poses a real threat at point blank range like it should. If anything traitors need to use their heads more and take notice of what weapons people have before they start to engage to give themselves the best odds. It may need minor tweeks but for the most part it feels fine and it's currently the flavor of the week so it to will change. I'm expecting player crafted prims from deconstruction to be more broken than a scattershot.

I think the real factor of people finding it to be overpowered is due to it firing multiple djinn balls.

I havent really had any problems with it yet tbh, it feels fine to me.
only thing (and i only recently found out about this) is that it has the old prayer bug, where a shit ton of djinn balls proc, fix that and its fine

Nerf djinn ball proc and it's fine. Everytime you approached me on TTT you ran straight into me into point blank range while shooting. Back up and shoot and i would not have been able to kill you at all.

(07-09-2019, 07:11 AM)HeisenBurger Wrote:  Nerf djinn ball proc and it's fine. Everytime you approached me on TTT you ran straight into me into point blank range while shooting. Back up and shoot and i would not have been able to kill you at all.

That's one approach, if we weren't indoors in any of those scenarios and I had any option to do so.

However, the gun itself has range and accuracy in spades. It can kill from a pretty sizable distance when upgraded.

I mean couldn't you argue that a deagle could do the same? A lot of guns can just put you down instantly. If a shotgun can't do that then it's basically worthless.

i admit i am biased but there are so many better weapons than the scattershot
i think it's fine where it is, especially since you basically said that its not op

(07-09-2019, 05:01 AM)Nivendo Wrote:  On a traitor round, the gun is balanced and requires you to execute one or two innocents at a time or be overwhelmed. It's great for that. But the downside is that it's loud and you're out of a magazine after two shots, giving an opening for an innocent or detective to close the gap and kill you before you reload.

wow, a gun that can't mow down a crowd of people in seconds *cough* molten galil *cough*

(07-09-2019, 05:01 AM)Nivendo Wrote:  I was using the scattershot today and I honestly feel as if it's just another weapon for innocents to one-shot traitor and make them feel miserable.

while we're at it, let's make it so deagle cant one shot anymore so i dont get one deaged up close and across map on my traitor rounds

even better, lets lower the firerate of every fully automatic weapon that can 2-4 hit headshot to 6 rps and increase their reload speed by 2 times

just use a snow globe then they cant get close to you
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

server just isnt used to usable shotguns Sad
i havent played a whole lot with it yet, but as far as shotguns go, i think they should always be dominant if youre caught in a short-range situation against them and you should have to play against the knowledge that some people can win against you if you get too close

- That Thrakos Noob

I'm currently sporting a honey badger with literally infinite ammo, look at feet, phoenix, and makes me immortal at random times. I got another gun that is an engraved galil with confusion, doubleshoot, mobility, purge, leg slow. There's like a triple suffixed phantasmal honey badger that steals your traits on killing you. There's a dozen dozen other actually op things. And somehow people still find a way to complain about the shotguns before anything else.

I've died literally zero times to scattershot users that I am aware of. You literally walk away from them. They literally can't kill you if you are 10 feet away or so. You literally could wait for them to waste their two shots reload and walk up and murder them.

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