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Deathrayjj's Membership Appeal

Age: 14.

Steam Name(Current):  Deathrayjj.

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 80 Hours+ but i'm 99% sure I got more.

Where did you hear about this server?: Browsing through TTT 5 or 4 years ago, then came back after the moat incident.

Have you ever been banned and why?: yes I was banned 4 years ago for toxicity/causing problems but I was a idiot back then.

Why do you want to join?: I just want to me more apart of the community and I think this will help.

Referred by: Nobody but someone told me how to do it and if I wanted to on discord.

Additional Details: I'm pretty cool and active.

-1, your loud and toxic
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

After seeing you further on the server I'm definitely going to have to do a -1. You seem toxic and just not too much fun to be around.

-1 for now. Had to gag him in my first ever interaction with him because he was making random baby noises into his mic with the mic as close to his mouth as he could get it. Not just once either. Multiple times. -1

-1 It's been only a few days and you have been pretty toxic at times. Reflect on your past actions and try not to trouble or agitate other players in the server.

I had to gag you in an event run, you need to use your mic more for the important stuff rather than the annoying stuff.

i think he's funny, haven't seen him being unironically toxic. could be people mistaking constant sarcasm.

+0 talks too much and that isnt that bad of a thing, just annoying

+0 also, just stop talking for a bit please and thats coming from me.

He reminds me of Halaman from 2 years ago, which is a bad thing. Interrupting people, being pretty annoying, warned him several times to calm down with the mic.


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