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Devestator159 False Slay

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Devestator159

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:48282242

Map the event happened on: TTT_dolls

Date of event: 08/22/19

What Happened?: I was across the map and saw francoise help Haruka spray down nomad and phillip but I never saw a bullet shot by fran because I was across map and he was close to his target. I KOSed fran for association and upon getting killed he reported me. I was slain for this under the reason "accidental RDM."  I reached out to him multiple times for an explaination, in text, admin and voice chat, however I was ignored.

Witnesses: None that I can remember

(deathscenes are from the death of nomad)
first pic is of logs of the firefight between fran and his t buddy and the group of people that I KOSed fran for
Second pic is me getting slain
third pic is showing that I could clearly see fran and it wasn't KOS off location (fran is red)
fourth shows fran shooting someone (fran is red)

I don't fully understand the pictures at all, so I'm not going to comment on that.

+Members cannot see admin chat, but he should've responded to you for a reason so you could explain.

You killed him cuz "you were in proximity" which to me sound just like kos off of location. Also you never kosed him, never added in the report the full reason of why you killed him {THAT WHERE YOU EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPEND/WHY} and you stared point blank at eachother for a solid like 5-10sec before you shot him. Given all that I took it as kos off of location. For the admin chat response I was either deconing stuff and didn't see it or was tab'd out/afk.

*Edit :I now know you called him out as you killed him.

My understanding of staff is that if you aren't sure, which your language implys, then you should dig deeper, not just assume the reporter is right and give a slay. Also, I was never involved in a firefight with him though I did snipe at him from across the map.

Responses in a report can changed the outcome of the report ex: guy was kosed and killed, reports killer, killer responds with I heard shots and killed you for it. Even though the guy was kosed he was still killed for a different/invalid reason. So you putting "you were in the proximity" instead of explaining after the fact that you saw him with his t buddies/killing people, which you wouldn't of been slayed for ofc. wording and explaining why you killed someone ESPECIALLY in the report system could of avoided all this

Devastator explained himself well and I don't see any problem with how he handled it.
If you report someone, be sure to put the exact reason of why you killed him. If you really did see him do all that, type that out in the report. Don't change your reasoning, especially to something like that, it sounds like a plain and simple kos off location.

For future reference, only moderator+ can see admin chat.
If you can't manage to find out why you were slain in game, try PMing via discord.

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