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Unban - Bouncyhunter

Steam Name (Current): °Bouncy°☭°Cunter°

Steam Name (During incident): °Bouncy°☭°Cunter°

Steam ID:

Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/id/exns

Name of staff you were banned by: BeeBee, If im correct

Length of the ban: Guessing its perma
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: If Im correct, Aimbot?

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: No
What really happened?: I was on the server, Then got kicked, saying "You should of been banned", Talking to a friend on the server im getting accused of Aimbot. And well, to say the least im innocent.
Heres some things:
10 Year steam account, No Vac ban.
7.3K Hours on Gmod
2K on TF2
On FRG since 2014

If I was to aimbot, Wouldnt I do it before?

One more note, Im not expert So I would have no Idea if this would be a solution. I have Euro ping and some lag spikes that might make my flick look like a lock? As i said im no expert so I would reccommend asking Brassx.
Additional details: The 2 clips used against me, Look at them and decide i guess. https://gyazo.com/bb0ef78b4dfeee7ce5ca7b8bd5bd19f2 https://gyazo.com/9a7f8d5e58d2c2cb7fcd5dedbb736e50

That second clip looks VERY odd. I personally never thought you were hacking so I'm not too sure about this though.

+1 for Unban. Quite frankly the evidence presented does look pretty odd but at the same time I'd think the anti cheat would pick something up.
Besides what's the harm with an unban? Worst comes to worst you hack and get banned lol.

super sus evidence but i never had any issues with this guy beforehand. would like more concrete evidence to prove hacks.

(09-02-2019, 10:15 PM)NNNYYYTTTEEEMMMAAARRRTTT Wrote:  +1 for Unban. Quite frankly the evidence presented does look pretty odd but at the same time I'd think the anti cheat would pick something up.
Besides what's the harm with an unban? Worst comes to worst you hack and get banned lol.

actually a lot of shit has been getting through anti cheat these days. but like the flick on the sniper clip, that shit just straight teleported there was no movement.

(09-02-2019, 10:15 PM)NNNYYYTTTEEEMMMAAARRRTTT Wrote:  +1 for Unban. Quite frankly the evidence presented does look pretty odd but at the same time I'd think the anti cheat would pick something up.
Besides what's the harm with an unban? Worst comes to worst you hack and get banned lol.

C++ cheats wouldnt and cant be detected through 100% surefire methods that arent making assumptions in garry’s mod

Btw, this was Parade's decision. (Yes I'm throwing him under the bus, idc)


Anyways, Brass made some good points about the ban. With eu ping, and not factoring frame rate + The amount of time you spent on the server this seems like an adjust ban on my part

You will be unbanned

He’s only made some good deag shots today, but he isn’t always Juan deaging everyone.
Get this innocent man out of jail.

Of course bb and parade decides to ban him. :comonbruh:

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