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I'm out for real

Hey guys.
I feel like I make one of these every few months, so I'm sorry if I seem repetitive, but I think I really mean it this time.
I'm not leaving the FRG community, just GMOD. I don't know if I could ever just leave FRG altogether. I'm just tired of the same old stuff. I get this feeling a lot and everytime I think I'm ready to get back into it, it only lasts for a little bit.
I think a lot of it comes from staffing on the server. I loved helping out and making the server a better place, but the constant staff work really takes its toll. It stressed me out way too much for my own good and ultimately just contributed to me not wanting to get on the server much. I know there's probably a few of you who think there's no way that being staff can stress you out that bad, but it really gets to you after a while. A lot of my time on the server was spent constantly worrying about keeping the server safe and a good environment, and I never really got much time where I didn't have to worry about anything and just play the game to have fun. I don't expect everyone to understand, but that's just how I feel.

With that being said, I'm officially stepping down from my admin position. I talked to Unpoke about it already and he's going to work on that. I'll go down to a member+ so if/when I do get on in the future, I can still help with some reports, but I'd like to retire on the whole staffing thing. It's just very taxing in the end. I'm glad I was able to have the chance to gain this experience working as a staff member here.
I've been working as staff here since July of 2017.
I was finally accepted as admin after a year and 3 months of my app being up, this was April of this year.
It was great being admin and helping out more, but like I said, it just grew more and more taxing on me.
So after over 2 years of working as a staff member here, I'd like to step down. I hope I can still help out as much as I can if/when I come back to gmod.

Staff stuff out of the way, as of today, I gave away all of my items to some close friends who I played on here with a bunch. (Sorry if you feel like you should have been included in this group but weren't, I picked friends that I have personally spent hours on hours playing with in-game and in others games and had a blast with. I have a bunch of other friends in Gmod that weren't included, not because we weren't friends, but probably because we just never spent the same amount of time or had the same connection as those others. Hell, there might even be a few good friends that weren't included just because I missed them on my friends list (I made the list of people in about 5 minutes) or they don't really play much nowadays.

Another one of the main reasons I'm leaving is because I just started my senior year, and I'm starting to realize all the real life stuff heading my way that I have to prepare for. College applications, jobs, etc etc. I've always been a kind of "go with the flow" kind of guy, so I haven't prepared for these things yet, and that's what I'm trying to change. I need to figure out what's in store for me in the future and how to go about achieving those things.

I'm thankful for everyone in this community for being such a huge part of my life, and making me feel like I have a whole other family.
I'll still be somewhat active in the discord, but I just won't be in game. I'll probably stop by for a little bit to check out special events (Halloween, Christmas, Easter), but other than that I doubt I'll be on at all.

I'll be seeing you guys
Alex Summers, a.k.a, Seth.

Hope you find your path after high school cuz going with the flow won't cut it like it did with me.

The needing a break from staffing is something I feel most veteran staff members from this or other servers could understand. I personally felt like being an admin on NTG dulled my experience and even though I wanted to help the server it felt a massive chore to even get on. So please clear your head and think about your future.

Hopefully you'll be back as a regular player, I promise you its a refreshing experience.

Till your next gambling venture,


godspeed alex summers

see ya later brother

I 100% understand with what you're talking about with the stressed involved in being staff. I've been staff on a couple of servers in addition to owning one of my own and it can really wear down on you especially if you have a lot of other stuff going on in your life. I hope to see you again on the server during events if you have time but if not maybe we can try to get a few people together on the discord to play a few non-gmod games. I know Cyan wants to start another divinity 2 play-through and we wanted to ask you along with Lee.

Take care of yourself out there Seth and try to enjoy your college years. They go by so fast that they end before you realize you even started.


You have really matured throughout the years here. You weren't the child from before when you were a member+ and moderator. Now you've turned into a big boy and look like one also :^). From watching you do krampus, mammon, 5050s and other shenanigans, it was one hell of a ride. I still can't believe you are leaving for real this time and it feels like a part of the server is gone, just like Kuro ): . From my experience, you were a great staff member here and it showed when you tried getting on whenever help was needed. I hope you do well with college apps and life in general.

bai bai <3

Is this some sort of out of season april fools joke?

Good luck Alex. I couldn't make it to the giveaway as when I got home, the lobby was full, the voice channel was locked and I appreciate that even though I wasn't there, I still got something.

Just know that the community is always here and appreciates what you've done. Especially when you give all of your items out. Its been a long time since you've started playing and I can't really blame you for wanting to go out.

Just don't die.

This makes me reflect on myself as well, as I'm also in the same boat with Alex...or should I say, Seth Smile

Hopefully you do well in your last year, take it easy, and maybe you can hop on the server a good amount of times.

I completely understand the staff struggle Alex after I got admin I basically played nonstop for about 6 months until my actions got me demoted which was 100% for the best.

Regardless do whats best for you live your life do great things we'll be here when you decide to come back ❤

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