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garfield Membership App

Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): garfield

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 142 hours across all modes

Where did you hear about this server?: I heard about frg a few months ago from some friends and decided to try it out when moat imploded.

Have you ever been banned and why?: no

Why do you want to join?: There's a ton of content here and I feel like I'm going to put a lot of hours into this server. I also like the community and want to be more involved.

Referred by: Tango

+1 good player doesn't break rules often or at all

+1 good guy, good intentions and hella fun to play with. No issues here
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


+1 my baby my asylum partner my love very good boy with no bad intentions unless they are with me

+1 chill guy, good player, and doesn't try to cause trouble.

I know he isn't the fondest of me but the times I've been in discord/ingame with him he's been alright. +1

not toxic not a rule breaker chill guy +1

+1 kills me a lot in TTT. Still, very chill player and has shown they want to play a lot. A good member for the community.

He’s fine and cool, and like lasagna +1

I also like lasagna and he fine +1

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