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uberpwnage - unban request

Steam Name (Current): uberpwnage

Steam Name (During incident): uberpwnage

Steam ID: https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028603930

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028603930

Name of staff you were banned by:

Length of the ban: Perma

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: "bitch!" Mass rdm after looking through the ban list.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: I may have, I don't remember why I was banned.

What really happened?: It was years ago so I don't remember but I haven't had any issues on other servers
Additional details:

I banned you in 2015 for killing a bunch of people over a bunch of rounds, which I find a little different from mass rdm but that's not important. If it was just that I wouldn't mind saying +1 since 4 years is a long time and it was only 1 incident.

However, this report is incredibly sloppy. Your steam id just your profile link. Your profile link is your profile link twice. You found the reason for your ban which shows not only the actual reason but the staff you were banned by yet couldn't find the time to put either in. And you also claim to have no issues on other servers but a simple search on your name shows you banned at least 3 times and reported at least once.


Are you still interested in being un-banned? as long as you agree to follow the rules, I don't mind un-banning.

Ya, if you want to give me a shot I'm sure I wont have an issue following the rules when I'm on. Thanks.

I'm unsure if this was ever followed up on, probably just didn't get a chance to close this up. Unbanned.

- That Thrakos Noob

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