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Bezerker Member app

I can see the hard work and effort that went into this. Most people nowdays just half ass it, but you? No you're not so shallow. Instead you made this masterpiece that blew ALL of us away and quite frankly I am STILL in shock from the original reveal of this post. I woke up roughly 30 minutes ago and in those 30 minutes my emotions have ranged from anger, sadness, joy, bustin the nut, and cowabunga JUST from this post alone. If that doesn't speak lengths about just how life changing this post was then I don't know what will. Actually I lied in my previous statement. You see, I actually know precisely what would speak lengths about just of life changing this post was I just refuse to share it with the weak minded non-japanese speaking fools on here. Back on topic though. When I had my fourth rereading of this post that you made it made me feel complete, it was if all my shortcomings and all of my previous mistakes came undone and I was a free man once more. Such a liberating feeling washed over my entire body and showered me with joy and empathy. Truly a nut was busted. Therefore I have a proposition for you FRG masterminds. I propose we share a toast for this post and the mastermind who wrote it and that we shall NEVER forget this day. Cheers!
Could you please never send your fucked up porn folder in my discord again kthx -1


He didn’t want my hump de bump cata Sad

+1 he’s cool.

you have my blessing Bez

(09-14-2019, 03:49 AM)NCOWOO1 Wrote:  i used to hate you and think you are annoying. i still think all of that but you are ok sometimes +1

I'm honestly shocked that you basically put no effort into this. I'm surprised that so many people are +1ing you when you still act the same way, but only got rid of the "amen when you open your inventory" part that everyone hated and not very active. Being inactive doesn't do much to becoming a member, but it doesn't seem like you're taking this even slightly seriously.

That said, I don't mind you as a person. I just want you to put effort into the things you want. Still would play jackbox with you though.


I like Bezerker quite a bit, despite some differences and what I feel like was just simply trolling on his part, it never got on my nerves too much and it never went to any extremes. He's a fine person overall. Membership is pretty loose with all these moatmen anyways. +1

very immature today in oxylus, was shouting and blowing into his mic and getting really heated over nothing. argued with "moatmen" (as he called them) throughout the fight and complained persistently about people making understandable mistakes. overall do not think should be member based on that, but usually he's fine, so idk.. +0 i guess

-1 I JUST got off of a Dilap where he was purposefully being toxic

(09-14-2019, 05:14 AM)NNNYYYTTTEEEMMMAAARRRTTT Wrote:  I can see the hard work and effort that went into this. Most people nowdays just half ass it, but you? No you're not so shallow. Instead you made this masterpiece that blew ALL of us away and quite frankly I am STILL in shock from the original reveal of this post. I woke up roughly 30 minutes ago and in those 30 minutes my emotions have ranged from anger, sadness, joy, bustin the nut, and cowabunga JUST from this post alone. If that doesn't speak lengths about just how life changing this post was then I don't know what will. Actually I lied in my previous statement. You see, I actually know precisely what would speak lengths about just of life changing this post was I just refuse to share it with the weak minded non-japanese speaking fools on here. Back on topic though. When I had my fourth rereading of this post that you made it made me feel complete, it was if all my shortcomings and all of my previous mistakes came undone and I was a free man once more. Such a liberating feeling washed over my entire body and showered me with joy and empathy. Truly a nut was busted. Therefore I have a proposition for you FRG masterminds. I propose we share a toast for this post and the mastermind who wrote it and that we shall NEVER forget this day. Cheers!
Could you please never send your fucked up porn folder in my discord again kthx -1

this is the most Nytemart thing I've ever seen nytemart do

sadly he still doesn't know not to mic spam and from what i heard, he was using "moat man" as a insult to our new players which i think they shouldn't be ok. If you use "moat man" as a joke i think that would be fine but using it as a insult is never ok.

no matter where players come from they joined the community so insulting them because they came from a specific community doesn't mean we should give them shit for it, just accept them and help them learn about the awesome server we got.

Can this be closed? I don’t desire membership anymore, and I doubt I ever will. I play FRG for fun, not to have more responsibilities. I will take what’s been said to heart, however, as just because I’m not member doesn’t mean I can’t be a beneficial part of the community
Umpty Dumpty

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