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akaty - Membership Application

+1 does cause problems, and pretty cool

+1 even tho he confused me for edit REEEEE

Been a pretty chill guy/gal, haven't had any issues arise just good vibes.



No bad experiences to speak of. Nice person overall.

-1 I have had a few experiences with you that have not been pleasant to say the least, however one that just really irked me was at around 1 am or somewhere around that my time, there was an argument. There were very immature people who joined the server and started harassing you not believing you had a girlfriend and yelling at you etc. I did not join in on this but I just asked a simple question along the lines of "I don't mean to be a dick by asking this but why do you make your name kitkatkaty when you are a guy?" (said they were a guy like 5 minutes before this) following that you blocked me and it just really annoyed me. Just any time I see you on I do not like what you do and this is just how I feel. I know to most of the people this will seem like a minor instance but this just really pissed me off.

+1 plays ttt quite a bit so i always see him/her around, nice person overall.


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