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Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Mystery

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:59352431

Map the event happened on: I don't remember.

Date of event: September 23, 2019  (Time: around 11:52 pm)

What Happened?: (Trading) Basically, what happened was, Mystery wanted to buy my warbanner and he offered me either a light-pink beamsword or a lime one. In the end I traded my banner for the lime beam and 69k. (I mainly traded my banner thinking it was around the same price range of the beam with the 69k. I didn't know any prices and even asked general discord if they can price check it, nothing.) Anyways I got pics so I will leave them here for you to see. I did the trade saying I wasn't too worried about the trade because I thought it was around the same price range and even himself Mystery said he could of thrown in a fools world on top of it, fully knowing the price of the banner, where I have know idea how much it's worth. Anyways here's the pics.

Witnesses: konk! , Echidnah , Philip , a 9 year old

Evidence: (in order from start to currently)  https://prnt.sc/pazfs2 , https://prnt.sc/pazgh2 , https://prnt.sc/pazgt7 , https://prnt.sc/pazhbb , https://prnt.sc/pazi2e , https://prnt.sc/pazicv , https://prnt.sc/pazisj , https://prnt.sc/pazj1x , https://prnt.sc/pazjb1 , https://prnt.sc/pazjhy , https://prnt.sc/pazjq5
(just adding for evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/779610114002552126/B5480A119A6EF5FA027F8133BCA89F225665DBD2/ ( its a picture)

Color me surprised.

Let’s ban people who buy off forums market

-*What I knew*-
*I was offering a beam (worth up to ~1.5mil)
*I was willing to give adds up to 800k and they knew that.
*They was offering me an item worth 2mil to me.
*They are level 50+ (I expect them to be capable of checking prices and knowing prices)
*He WAS ok *WITH or WITHOUT* adds. (He as a party was fine with what they was getting)
*The value of the Trade was [1.5~2.3mil to a 2.0mil] trade.

-*What I didn't know*-
*He didn't know the price of banner

The trade was almost fair, 1.5 mil (FROM WHAT I WAS OFFERED) for a 2mil item imo, It's nice item but it has rare use because wand is a better pvp item.
I said I'd do a tradeback but I require other players to do a tradeback with me, this goes through multiple players besides just me and one other.

Edit: I offered to add a fools (800k), He was ok with or without the adds.

I don't think I should be held accountable for another level 50 player not checking the price of their item, Although it was a 1.5mil to 2mil item trade.
Essentially fair, just because you didn't accept my adds and have a better offer from PHILIP which is probably the entire reason you're doing this. Doesn't mean you can enforce a trade back.

This is silly. Also beams sent worth 1.2mil that's wands at least. Beams are moi cheap compared to a wand or a warbanner and like you said war banner is worth 2mil. So 700k + 69k = bad deals man... But alas what are we to do about it .. just feel sorry imo

(09-25-2019, 10:05 PM)Unreal Oz Wrote:  This is silly. Also beams sent worth 1.2mil that's wands at least. Beams are moi cheap compared to a wand or a warbanner and like you said war banner is worth 2mil. So 700k + 69k = bad deals man... But alas what are we to do about it .. just feel sorry imo

Uhmm 700k? Are you sure? Beams aren't that cheap bud, My yellow was sold to fear for 1.1MIL, a yellow.

yikes here we go again.

this sounds stupid if im reading this right

first of all i gotta get this out there, mystery youre so fucking annoying about things lol, why did you flex that you wouldve paid so much more for it??? what did you want from that, him to be like “aw darn haha!”??

second, players are responsible for knowing prices for safe trading. i cant come to the sound conclusion that this was or was not a “scam” because its a playerbased market that has no exact values. things like these where theres color variants that are worth different things from different people make it even harder to pinpoint values, and even then it sounds more like a bad deal than a scam from the very few screenshots i bothered clicking lol

feel free to try to prove me otherwise, just my two cents

- That Thrakos Noob

(09-25-2019, 10:00 PM)Mystery Wrote:  -*What I knew*-
*I was offering a beam (worth up to ~1.5mil)
*I was willing to give adds up to 800k and they knew that.
*They was offering me an item worth 2mil to me.
*They are level 50+ (I expect them to be capable of checking prices and knowing prices)
*He WAS ok *WITH or WITHOUT* adds. (He as a party was fine with what they was getting)
*The value of the Trade was [1.5~2.3mil to a 2.0mil] trade.

-*What I didn't know*-
*He didn't know the price of banner

The trade was almost fair, 1.5 mil (FROM WHAT I WAS OFFERED) for a 2mil item imo, It's nice item but it has rare use because wand is a better pvp item.
I said I'd do a tradeback but I require other players to do a tradeback with me, this goes through multiple players besides just me and one other.

Edit: I offered to add a fools (800k), He was ok with or without the adds.

I don't think I should be held accountable for another level 50 player not checking the price of their item, Although it was a 1.5mil to 2mil item trade.
Essentially fair, just because you didn't accept my adds and have a better offer from PHILIP which is probably the entire reason you're doing this. Doesn't mean you can enforce a trade back.

I wasnt the only one saying it was a scam nor the only one making offers on it. 9 year old offered so much more than me. Not only that, but we didnt even know it was you. He told us that's what he traded his banner for and we all screamed it was a scam.

(09-25-2019, 10:19 PM)Philip Wrote:  
(09-25-2019, 10:00 PM)Mystery Wrote:  -*What I knew*-
*I was offering a beam (worth up to ~1.5mil)
*I was willing to give adds up to 800k and they knew that.
*They was offering me an item worth 2mil to me.
*They are level 50+ (I expect them to be capable of checking prices and knowing prices)
*He WAS ok *WITH or WITHOUT* adds. (He as a party was fine with what they was getting)
*The value of the Trade was [1.5~2.3mil to a 2.0mil] trade.

-*What I didn't know*-
*He didn't know the price of banner

The trade was almost fair, 1.5 mil (FROM WHAT I WAS OFFERED) for a 2mil item imo, It's nice item but it has rare use because wand is a better pvp item.
I said I'd do a tradeback but I require other players to do a tradeback with me, this goes through multiple players besides just me and one other.

Edit: I offered to add a fools (800k), He was ok with or without the adds.

I don't think I should be held accountable for another level 50 player not checking the price of their item, Although it was a 1.5mil to 2mil item trade.
Essentially fair, just because you didn't accept my adds and have a better offer from PHILIP which is probably the entire reason you're doing this. Doesn't mean you can enforce a trade back.

I wasnt the only one saying it was a scam nor the only one making offers on it. 9 year old offered so much more than me.

Yet you're the one telling him to complain about it, I'm almost positive.

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