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Stuff like this shows how toxic and annoying this community became Reasons like this make me not want to come back, The dumb shit that has happened to the community is god awful can't this community handle itself doesn't seem like it

It's easy to see that Mystery mislead Hrdly, and it's very easy to see that this is a SCAM by Mystery.

I DID NOT Mislead him, and I offered 800k in adds that he turnt that.
That would've been a 2.3mil value at most and 1.8mil at least.
And I'm still considering handing over the items atm

Jesus crust, if I have to talk to you again about posting feedback, I'll ban you from the forums. (Do you not realize that saying the community is toxic, makes you toxic for implying that?)

FIRST OFF. If you do not inform yourself on prices, trades like these are most likely your fault. You never trust the trader, as they will try to sway you to trade. So HRDLY, there will not be any tradebacks or reversals.

Secondly, if you don't hear information directly from staff(or from Unpoke, Brass and I) don't believe it. People will try to mislead you to get what they want.

Finally, I already stated on another report that if anything happens with you mystery, we will take action. This trade does fall on HRDLY for not doing some research, but you did mislead him and decided to flaunt to him that you'd offer more. You're clearly showing you're sketchy side here and I do not like it. You will be trade banned indefinitely.

DO NOT CONTACT STAFF ABOUT THIS AND HARASS THEM. If you have a problem, pm me(don't get people to message me on discord.) Or you can wait till Brass is back.


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