(03-26-2015, 09:57 PM)Dreadark Wrote: I don't see the fun of a digital card game. YOu can't even hold the cards like a pokemon card.
When you play a Pokemon card does it float into the air and yell "YOU FACE JARAXXUS!" while smacking into your face, killing you, replacing you with itself giving you new abilities?
(03-26-2015, 11:00 PM)Dreadark Wrote: Man I LOVED pokemon cards when I was younger. THe joy of buying a tin and then going through all those cards....mmmm...
Actually just talking about pokemon cards makes me want to go and buy 10 more tins. I found pokemon cards more fun than the games.
Oh fuck yeah man
I have like over 1,000 cards.
That feeling when you broke open those tiny little foil packages, and saw the first card, damn.
I loved making type based decks, like all grass type, all water type, and seeing if I could beat my sisters best deck or cousins best deck.
Or trying to trade cards with my friends. Getting rid of those extra cards that I had to get a card they had.
Fuck man those were some fun times
Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)