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FRG Discord unban appeal

This is my discord Un-ban Appeal

I was Recently Banned from the Discord about (2-3 Months ago) and that gave me awhile to work on my behavior and how i should be talking to people.

The Reason i was banned was from texting very Vulgar messages to another player out of frustration. the time i was banned i was trying to patch up any bad blood i had with any players that would disregard any of my appeals- but i can say that i do think i have changed and i would appreciate a second chance on the discord.

I sincerely apologize for causing any trouble or stress to any of the players or staff. I hold nothing against you, i'm just a kid on the internet who doesn't know when to shut up, but i'd like to be friends with anyone or everyone who would like to talk, and tell you all myself how very sorry i am for treating you all poorly.

This is my Un-ban appeal. thank you for taking the time to read -GranabisV2 Blush

I at this time cannot take your apology seriously, having seen how you handle situations on the servers with players who do not like you or you do not like whatever it may be you instead of ignoring and coming to staff when needed have created some very toxic situations on the ttt and lobby server to where I have had to mute/gag you to just speak myself. As of now I will say until you can handle communicating in a more mature way I cannot back this unban. Prove your words to be true on the ttt/lobby servers first and I will review and respond again. -1 from me for now.

still very awful to talk to in general, and still insults people regularly in a passive aggressive manner. +1 to extend to in-game ban

Unban or not, we need to revoke his title of Packrat. Rats would never be banned in such fashion. Rename to Packhuman, please.

-1, you can apologize all you want, but your actions on the server reflect differently.

It hasn't been 3 weeks since your last major shitstorm. Where you were arguing with other folks to the point Moz had to gag and mute you. I can't see you changing much since then and I feel like you'll be more trouble than it is worth unbanning you.

Needless to say, -1

-1 you still argue way too much for it to be healthy for the discord

To all who -1 this appeal, I have reasonable excuses for what happens in-game, but the discord is a total different platform, and for all is concerned, I have changed, because I'm being treated better by the less egotisitc people on the server, because I keep my mouth shut when needed, the arguments I do have are needed, so I can prove that I'm not the shit rat that everyone is making me out to be. Regardless of what you all think. I'm entitled to having a second chance after months of doing better. You may not agree, but I haven't done anything incredibly hateful...unless you consider and argument about in-game regulations and rules hateful conduct on my side, so be it, but there needs to be 2 people for an argument to occur, so NONE of you can act like all of this is my fault. So please r3consider so I can prove myself. (Holding a prolonged grudge and continuously trying to make me look like the bad guy) is not going to make things better between us, put things behind, and let's be friends. Thank you for your opinions, is like to hear more from you all.

that reply alone shows why you shouldn't be allowed on the server, much less the discord, LOL. stay banned

(11-23-2019, 03:16 AM)DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Wrote:  that reply alone shows why you shouldn't be allowed on the server, much less the discord, LOL. stay banned


(11-23-2019, 03:16 AM)DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Wrote:  that reply alone shows why you shouldn't be allowed on the server, much less the discord, LOL. stay banned

So I'm not allowed to further explain myself after you all -1? I'm not being toxic or rude, I'm trying to explain and to understand, what you are doing is toxic. So please be more positive

(11-23-2019, 03:16 AM)DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Wrote:  that reply alone shows why you shouldn't be allowed on the server, much less the discord, LOL. stay banned

I do apologize if you think the reply was toxic or unnecessary. Angel

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