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Radioactive Twinkelz Ban Appeal

Steam Name (Current):◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤

Steam Name (During incident):◥▶RadioactiveTwinkelz◀◤

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:101857120

Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198163979969/

Name of staff you were banned by: Jake1o

Length of the banTongueermanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: Schemeing

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:Yes

Additional details: Ive been banned for quite sometime now and i'd like to be unbanned i have supported the server in many ways and alot of people find me as a fun person to play with. And i think a permanent ban is a bit harsh considering that this is my frist offense and ive never been banned before

Love me <3

Altough this was your first offense/expierence with any ban it's a pretty horrid thing to be banned for. I feel once a scammer or do anything for some items kind of person whatever you want you call yourself you'll remain the same way.

Scheming? Would that mean like, scamming?

If so, definitely not repealed. Maybe shortened. Still probably better to stay perma banned though.

If I remember correctly you just tried to rent a gun off of someone who was about to be banned, correct? If so I'm kinda on the fence because Brassx did say that you couldn't have his weapon(s) and looking at the old thread you apparently lied to staff. If you were to be unbanned I would think that a month or two inv ban/wipe and being put on very thin ice would be appropriate so long as you admit what you did wrong and apologize for it. Seeing as I didn't spend that much time with you as you got banned around the time I got on I can only comment on a short view so take what I said with a grain of salt.

Rented a gun off of a guy, and then gave evidence he had to get the guy perma banned I think. Wasn't a cool move. Its really all up to Jake.

I don't think it was that cool either but it isn't the scummiest thing someones done and tbh he didn't really harm anyone or scam them out of guns because that guy was gonna get banned. Just my two cents

You did something pretty insanely nasty - no wonders you got the ban hammer like that.
BUT, IMO - everyone deserves to get 1 chance - even if they're not gonna use it (>Hitler)
I think this can be shortened to a few more months of ban - excluding this faggotry, he was a cool bruh - wasn't expecting of him being such a Niggurath.

But why'd you have to lie to cyan and I after we asked you about it :/. Also idk but I don't feel like your owning up to it which I find to be the worst part. Instead of saying what I did was awful it will not happen again, you say it was only my first offense and a perma is quite harsh.

I owned up to it in my last ban appeal and my departure thread which was removed I was keeping it simple, and I didn't suppose that you were asking me as staff when you asked that question

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