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Radioactive Twinkelz Ban Appeal

The only remorse Twinklez has shown for his actions is that he was banned for them.

For a recap for those not in the know, a player dropped a rare gun with a nice suffix, Twinkelz proposed a "rental" offer of 50 coins for a period of time. After the player accepted, Radioactive turned in perma-ban worthy evidence that he had been collecting since the player dropped the gun. Then when 2 admins asked about his actions, he told them lies instead of confessing what he had done.

In my opinion, this is the worst kind of schemer possible. You were dishonest in every action you took and that's just not somebody I would want to see in this community. It does not matter how much money you have DONATED (a donation is given not expecting anything in return, brassx just shows his appreciation by giving you pixels) it does not hide your actions, and actions speak much louder than words that you've already proven you don't keep.

"I didn't suppose that you were asking me as staff when you asked that question" - this is a horrible "ignorance" excuse by the way.

I think a shortend ban to a few months is a good idea but placed under very very close watch while on server. Oh and a full inv wipe.

That was just dirty man.
But to be fair, it was pretty smart, just not executed well enough.
Look at it this way: What he did was perfectly fine, didn't break any rules, but he was banned for playing dirty. I'd shorten the ban, but not repeal it. What you did was a shitter move, and you do deserve to be taught a lesson.

(03-30-2015, 09:05 PM)Maeps Wrote:  That was just dirty man.
But to be fair, it was pretty smart, just not executed well enough.
Look at it this way: What he did was perfectly fine, didn't break any rules, but he was banned for playing dirty. I'd shorten the ban, but not repeal it. What you did was a shitter move, and you do deserve to be taught a lesson.

FRG holds a strict 0% mercy to people cheating the system and scamming people or making decisions with the intent of getting someones items that could harm their wealth.

This is a TTT gamemode and people need not forget that, this isn't TF2/CS:GO run by a multimillion corporation that can afford small scamming issues it messes things up in the long run such as the economy and it's not fair for anyone.

Which is why I think a perma ban is little more than blessing for you Twinkelz the fact you're still aloud on these forums amazes me.

(03-30-2015, 09:05 PM)Maeps Wrote:  That was just dirty man.
But to be fair, it was pretty smart, just not executed well enough.
Look at it this way: What he did was perfectly fine, didn't break any rules, but he was banned for playing dirty. I'd shorten the ban, but not repeal it. What you did was a shitter move, and you do deserve to be taught a lesson.

Obviously what he did isn't stated in the rules. We simply cant have a rule that is that specific and that covered every situation that may happen in the TTT server. Use common sense for some rules such as what happened in this situation. It most certainly was not "perfectly fine." He did break a rule it just may not be written out perfectly to describe the situation he pulled.

(03-30-2015, 03:35 AM)Baggins Wrote:  Altough this was your first offense/expierence with any ban it's a pretty horrid thing to be banned for. I feel once a scammer or do anything for some items kind of person whatever you want you call yourself you'll remain the same way.

Listen everyone can change, everyone deserves a second chance baggins.

(03-30-2015, 08:29 PM)Mougwi Wrote:  The only remorse Twinklez has shown for his actions is that he was banned for them.

For a recap for those not in the know, a player dropped a rare gun with a nice suffix, Twinkelz proposed a "rental" offer of 50 coins for a period of time. After the player accepted, Radioactive turned in perma-ban worthy evidence that he had been collecting since the player dropped the gun. Then when 2 admins asked about his actions, he told them lies instead of confessing what he had done.

In my opinion, this is the worst kind of schemer possible. You were dishonest in every action you took and that's just not somebody I would want to see in this community. It does not matter how much money you have DONATED (a donation is given not expecting anything in return, brassx just shows his appreciation by giving you pixels) it does not hide your actions, and actions speak much louder than words that you've already proven you don't keep.

"I didn't suppose that you were asking me as staff when you asked that question" - this is a horrible "ignorance" excuse by the way.
Tbh mougwi, what he did was very bad but I rather have a scammer on the server then some of the people on it now who are very rude and disrespectful and unwelcoming.

Would it be possible for me to be unable to trade for 6 months or get no drops for 6 months and an inventory wipe because I didn't exactly ruin the server and what I did relates to items so, like I said would it be possible to disable trades for me for 6 months or disable drops for 6 months and an inventory clearing and I get unbanned. Or if you the think it's necessary could I be banned from trades forever or banned from drops forever (but ofcouse donor crates should work ) and be unbanned ? Because what I did relates to my greed for items and a punishment like this seems worthy to me

Eh looking at it again I would say DEFINATELY stay perma banned, which you will. There's no chance of you being unbanned. What you did was completely terrible. Even first offense in a situation like this should be a perma ban.

  • x1

You aren't sorry for what you did or you wouldn't have done it. You're sorry you got caught. Denied.

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