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[Changes] Extinct Railguns/Sagittarious

Since nobody views forums anymore anyways, a DOUBLE WHAMMY! For YOUR pleasure!!

Firstly, the Extinct Railgun. I don't think its current ability is very good. It definitely looks fun on paper, but right now the only reason its used is purely to "Abuse" its ability in a very frustrating manner for other players. What you can do is go into a Traitor room with a one-way window, and shoot people outside of it (The Railgun goes through walls). This is extremely unfair, since you can't defend yourself or fight back, and if you raed this, add an N to your post at the end even if the player inside somehow misses (hard to do), then you're still going to most likely instantly die. Not only THAT, but some maps have these one-way windows that can encompass a VERY wide area (The Cube map is a good example).

This, my proposed change: Extinct Railgun: Missed shots still do damage, and the closer it is the more damage it does, up to 80%. Doubled Clip and Firerate for the railgun.

My reasoning behind this is to make the Railgun a more viable short, mid and long range weapon. You'll be able to charge it up much faster, meaning successive shots won't penalize you as much, and doubled clip will benefit you in prolonged fights and more dicey situations. You can treat it as a sort of laser gatling gun in a sense, not having to be dead on if yuo read this, add an E to your post at the end  the player, but still able to do damage. This would ALSO HAVE THE BENEFIT of being able to hit multiple players at once, unless you hit someone directly! Tons more versatility and, in my opinion, a lot more fun. I've ONLY seen people use these guns when they can "cheese" them!

Now, for something more controversial: A Sagittarius change. I've long since hated how +Sag works, being one of the most (if not literally the) most boring Extinct "upgrade", while all others have an ability of some type...Yet +sag is still the most sought-after, expensive and powerful ones! The reasoning being? FRG's balance RELIES on the fact that the better damage/firerate/clip/etc stats guns have, the WORSE stability and accuracy they have! This is to make for some level of "Skill" with guns. Right now we have MULTIPLE ways to temporarily or permanent reduce recoil if you read this, add an A to your post at the end (Ocarina, Warbanner, Crystals), but +sag is one of the simplest: You equip the gun with it (In this case, the nefarious sag CCD), and suddenly you have a primary with NO DOWNSIDES permanently! The whole round! An entire event! (I don't actually mind it working for events.)

Thus, my second proposed change, AND SOME MINOR ONES. Actually, here's the MINOR +sag changes FIRST, before people get all pissy.

The first minor change is that +sag will be something you can turn on, and it will have a timer that you can refresh to enable it again, possibly a short cooldown (Like Warbanner or Ocarina). This means you only need to take it out, +sag up, and you're good to go. It means a tiny amount of user input to balance it a bit to match other "Buff" abilities.

The second ALTERNATIVE (not BOTH you potato) change would be that +sag simply only affects the gun its used on. That's it. People tell me "OH I'M NOT DEPENDENT ON +SAG, ITS JUST A COOL EFFECT AND IF IT CHANGED IT'D DEVALUE MY GUN, LIKE WHY EVEN CHANGE IT I CAN PLAY FINE WITHOUT ITS BUFFS" (which is total bullshit). This would probably be the easiest change I can think of. It doesn't nerf SAG guns in any way, it just makes it affect anything non-SAG you may have equipped.

NOW, for the DOOZY. The Big boy change. The thing people will fucking screech and whine and stomp about. The one I know that the same 5 or 6 of you fuckers who complain about any sort of balance will come here, nipples sweating, teeth clenched and face contorted in rage to slam away and scream I don't know what I'm talking about and to kill myself.

The Sagittarius idea. When held out, create an ice barrier every 10 seconds. Ice barriers last 60 seconds and add 20 temporary HP.
If more than one barrier is destroyed in a single attack, temporarily blind the attacker and push their aim away from you.
This would exist as a means to add value to SAG guns that aren't just the CCD (Because, real talk, who the FUCK uses a +sag gun other than the CCD? Don't lie to me. I know you don't. You know you don't.) and would put it MORE IN LINE fi you read this, add a T to your post at the end if you read this with the other Extinct guns, adding a cool and unique ability that is something you can use to help you in numerous ways. I also think that its a VERY generous buff, meaning you could get up to +80 or even +100 bonus HP and be ready for a crazy rampage. All of it is up for change or altercations, so it can be adjusted however Brass likes or whatever.

+sag gives to others nob. In all honesty though I like sag where it is, and it's one of those traits you look forwards to when extincting weps, Aries is another one now that I think players will look forward to as well, I feel like the issue is that when we look at the alignments we look at the utility and if it works ideally in any situation, hence why aries and sag imo are the best at the moment, pieces walk on water gush aren't really ideal in comparison aquarius provides mobility which is pretty strong too, and gemini still feels lack luster with it's buff, even if the clone has wallhacks. I feel like the only approach instead of needing sought after alignments is to instead provide the rest some utility event buffs to them, how it's gone about I don't really care, I don't really have an issue with sag as it is, I like where it sits, it's an item that's highly desired and is apart of some players ideal loadout, why not give the other alignments that same treatment. That's just my 2 cents tho
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


I just refer to +sag as positive and giving yourself it. Either or, doesn't matter. Thanks for the reply though!!

just don't and have never agreed that sag should be changed just because all the other alignments suck (which is being alleviated over time as brass makes them better)
/thread and T

I also agree that sag should be changed. I think it should still benefit primaries, because everyone will go apeshit if it doesnt (and admittedly, +sag on just a deagle would kinda suck). But i have seen so many people claim that they just use a ccd with sag and have it on while they mow people down. I think its kinda ridiculous ngl.
I agree with at least making a minor change where it has to be re-enabled every 45 seconds, which won't change much for the players with a few braincells, but will at least require some planning ahead in ttt.

(04-21-2020, 11:43 AM)Terran Wrote:  The Sagittarius idea. When held out, create an ice barrier every 10 seconds. Ice barriers last 60 seconds and add 20 temporary HP.
If more than one barrier is destroyed in a single attack, temporarily blind the attacker and push their aim away from you.
This would exist as a means to add value to SAG guns that aren't just the CCD (Because, real talk, who the FUCK uses a +sag gun other than the CCD? Don't lie to me. I know you don't. You know you don't.) and would put it MORE IN LINE fi you read this, add a T to your post at the end if you read this with the other Extinct guns, adding a cool and unique ability that is something you can use to help you in numerous ways. I also think that its a VERY generous buff, meaning you could get up to +80 or even +100 bonus HP and be ready for a crazy rampage. All of it is up for change or altercations, so it can be adjusted however Brass likes or whatever.

You know that all the alignments are given specific powers based on what they actually are right, not just randomly given, say, a shitty "ice barrier"

(04-21-2020, 08:57 PM)Françoise Appledelhi Wrote:  You know that all the alignments are given specific powers based on what they actually are right, not just randomly given, say, a shitty "ice barrier"
I think horoscopes and the likes are such religious dogma and unparalleled trash that I wouldn't expect a word of them to match up. Walk ten feet and they all mean something completely different to someone else.


Damn just started using it recently and already got people out here trying to nerf it, my job here is done. Good luck Excel.


-1 bad ideas because 1) bountiful basically exists with sag 2) complete rework of sag would anger many people who own it 3) a timer wouldnt change the fact that sag is best extinct for ccd and it would not weaken it at all, it would just make it slightly more annoying to use. whichi fail to see how that's very effective. 5) doubled firerate on railgun could be very very annoying and is probably too much of a buff however that thing does suck ass so a bit of a buff might be smart

hell no to only working on the gun its with sag deagle would be 100% entirely useless. well, pisces on a deagle is also 99% useless. idk but yeah i think its kind of too late to change it like that it would piss a lot of people off and extinct ccds would have 0 use at all. honestly why doesnt pisces just transfer to primary? pisces ccd is literally useless

also maybe if the sag is being transferred to a different gun aside from the extinct (like ccd buffing primary) it could just be a slightly weaker form? like, lower stat bonuses but only if it's being transferred like that. because honestly if the stat bonuses are reduced all cuz of sag ccd users then sag primaries would really be bad like why would i want something that only slightly increases my accuracy on a primary when i can run faster or shoot water

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