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unban appeal

Steam Name (Current): bean pop tarts

Steam Name (During incident): sk8theducc [duks]

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:523486230

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199007238188

Name of staff you were banned by:the black parade

Length of the ban: 7days

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: yes

Reason for ban:for being a squeacker and accedental rdm

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: yes

What really happened?:i was using a beeper for a censor for fun and i thought it was the beggining of the round where you can shoot someone without damaging them and i accentaly killed parade

Additional details:

doubt parade would ban for a single rdm. wtf did you really do?

You weren’t banned for being a squeaker, you were banned for rdming and leaving.
(Just read the first 30 bans and they’re all the same format...)

And about your beeping, everyone was extremely annoyed and I’ve gotten a few complains from people and some told me they just blocked you.

You were also gagged by the manager on lobby, so when you left to ttt I got a dm saying your beeping started again, so it’s obvious you didn’t respect staff (or consider other people tolerance) and took the advantage of no staff present on the server (it’s not like people can message staff about you or others...).

all ive seen from you is you come into the discord and start spamming as much as possible... lol. you seem insufferably obnoxious and 12. just wait it out

(06-11-2020, 08:33 PM)シールプラチナム Wrote:  doubt parade would ban for a single rdm. wtf did you really do?

also was being a squeacker and using a beep sound appearently they could now have just muted me and the rdm was a accedent on a admin

(06-11-2020, 08:39 PM)The Black Parade Wrote:  You weren’t banned for being a squeaker, you were banned for rdming and leaving.
(Just read the first 30 bans and they’re all the same format...)

And about your beeping, everyone was extremely annoyed and I’ve gotten a few complains from people and some told me they just blocked you.

You were also gagged by the manager on lobby, so when you left to ttt I got a dm saying your beeping started again, so it’s obvious you didn’t respect staff (or consider other people tolerance) and took the advantage of no staff present on the server (it’s not like people can message staff about you or others...).

i left becuase i had to then i was gonna join back becuase i could of got on for a few more mins i told you this on discord

can we talk about this on discord so i can explain this properly

Accidental or not you think I would trust you after the behavior in game? To me you acted like just another troller trying to get a kick out of people. You also never said anything you had to go (or at least the few 20 lines of chat).

(06-11-2020, 08:47 PM)The Black Parade Wrote:  Accidental or not you think I would trust you after the behavior in game? To me you acted like just another troller trying to get a kick out of people. You also never said anything you had to go (or at least the few 20 lines of chat).

no i wasnt im sorry i appoigice i will get rid of the beeper even i was just trying to have fun on ttt next time ill play seriously if i do it again you guys can perm ban me

so first you said "using a beep sound appearently"
next you said " i will get rid of the beeper even i was just trying to have fun on ttt "
you arent very trustworthy.. you lied directly on your app trying to imply that you didnt know about the beeper. it's only a week ban, definitely you should sit it out

(06-11-2020, 08:52 PM)DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Wrote:  so first you said "using a beep sound appearently"
next you said " i will get rid of the beeper even i was just trying to have fun on ttt "
you arent very trustworthy.. you lied directly on your app trying to imply that you didnt know about the beeper. it's only a week ban, definitely you should sit it out

ill get rid of the beeper if i use it once you guys can perm ban me

Sad i promise ill delete ill even stream it on discord

after being gagged because of the beeper and told to stop, you still continued. if you really wanna play the server you can wait out the ban. -1

also not to mention you got banned your first day here

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