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KittyPrincess Membership Application

Age: 21

Steam Name (Current): KittyPrincess

Time played on the servers?: I have over 400 hours combined playtime on the servers.

Where did you hear about this server?: Schleep told me to check it out last summer and i’ve been playing on and off again since then. I play regularly now.

Have you ever been banned and why? I got banned once for changing my name as I joined the server.

Why do you want to join?: This server has an unique community and I’d like to add to it by becoming a member. I help any new players that ask for help and would like to benefit the server by continuing to do so as a member.

Referred by: Codwiu

Additional Details: None.

+1 Generally see them online when I play and they aren't toxic for the most part, 10/10 would get domed from across any map again

I don't see them having any issues with me. +1

This fine person has been a delight to play with in every interaction I've had with them. They are a very active player. Moreover they are a very good and mature person and I believe they should deserve the very sought after Member rank. For this I believe they deserve a +1 on their Membership Application.

+1, Kitty hasnt caused any problems for the server and I've seen them here for quite some time now.

+1 Have had no problems with them in the past, hasn't really done anything to prove not member worthy.

+1 I thought you already had member. Anyways, not a troublemaker and got no problems with ya.

+1 cool person, never causing problems. Also good at being a pretty funny troll! (in a good way)

generally alright person

+1, chill person not toxic Smile

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