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I am sure most of y'all do not care

I think it is time for to finally take a good extra long break.

After yesterday, I am slowly regressing back to the old me, more toxic, depressed, and other stuff I do not want to talk about.

Those of y'all who know the situation, I will miss y'all, I will try to stay active in the discord and other private servers, but idk yet.

For everyone know doesn't know, something something break up, I need to work on myself, better myself, become a better person, go get checked out for depression finally, and 100% work on trying to kill my suicidal thoughts.

To Phrot, TJ, Beebee, Philip, Kuro, Coach, Fear, Codwiu, and everyone else I did not name. I will miss y'all the most, this is a long needed break I need, I just want to feel better overall, and look at the issues in my life that I have, that I need to fix, I am tired of being toxic because it is "cool" on the internet.

For everyone else that I have hurt in the past, I am sorry, I never truly meant it, but I am sorry, and you will not have to worry about.

- Love Jerome aka Juwan

(As of 1:00 AM CST 10/16/2020, I have uninstalled Garry's Mod, and I do not plan on coming back until I make my life better, and I am in a better place mentally)

I decided to add more to this

Induvial Messages:

Philip: Thank you for being a very close friend, actually coming to my house, picking me up and hanging out with places with me, you are one of the nicest friends I have and I will always cherish that.

Kuro/Sandin: Thank you for being a good influence in my life, I needed that badly in the most recent years, and you never knew this, but you kept me off of doing drugs, and smoking. I will always love you, you are like a father figure to me.

Codwiu aka Cody: You are like the bestfriend I never had, even though you are gay and crouch spam/jump, you were always fun to play with and were always chill with me, even when I was rdming you Smile

Coach (Fish Fucker): Lmao idk what to say about you, uhm I deny your confession of love, I love you too homie, you were always a nice friend, one of the limited people on FRG, who even has access to phone number, I hope you do well in life, and never forget that you will someday get a girlfriend

Default: I love how you think outside the box, of finding ways to kill me, you were a good friend to have, I enjoyed being around you, and loved the energy you had, you will be missed buddy.

Tango: Thank you for giving me free guns today, and being there for me, I will miss you, I will miss your trolling and other stuff you did in the voice channel Smile

Grassx/Brassx: Thank you both for always being there for me, for allowing to stay on the server since god knows when like May 2015, I grew up in High School playing on FRG, and enjoyed it, I went through 3 laptops, and 1 PC playing on here, it allowed me to grow up, meet new people, grow more into the community, and I will always cherish that, I hope both of y'all enjoy the rest of the days to come to y'all in the future (get married already you fucks)

To Everyone else on my friends list who I did not list, I will miss y'all I enjoyed playing with you all on NTG/FRG/Moat/ and so on, I hope y'all are very successful in life and that you all grow into strong men and women, and will be a good influence to everyone you meet in life, you all are a huge blessing to my life, and I just don't know what I would of done without y'all back in 2018 or just even now, even though I was super hella toxic recently, you all put up with my bullshit, and never put me down, I loved that, and it really helped me out.

For everyone who wants to know, I plan on working on getting rid of my "spending/gambling" addiction on video games, I plan on bettering myself as a person, I am going to pursue being a pastor in Christianity for those who care to know, I hope you all will accept me back in the future, when I do come back after I completely change my life around, thank you for coming to my very emotional ted talk, I love you and I will miss you

Peace out Jerome/Juwan again Smile

PS: Please someone get Codwiu and CoachGrump a fucking girlfriend
SG Fucking Overlord

best of luck on your recovery I really hope you return way better than you are now

After earlier today I hope you fix your problems in life and get the help you need ill miss you bro

Confusedadge: get better my dude

Jerome I know we didn't talk a ton, but you were great fun to have around and I will miss you a ton

Interesting title right there :thinking:

I hope you make good and meaningful progress with improving yourself. Also please don't kill yourself. I know you won't, but I would be sad and so would most of this community Sad.

Good luck

I didn't even know about that other one, I have away/off-line booked marked ?

I also can't make any promises, but I am trying to stay strong
SG Fucking Overlord

can not wait for the rise of pastor jerome, it will be legendary

I’m glad you see a light out of the tunnel and are getting help. I hope you do well.

And for all the times you’ve pestered staff about little things going on the server, we probably got angry cause most of it wasn’t really a big deal, but it showed us that you cared, and maybe you’ll @ us again in the future.

Just know that we are always here for you my friend.

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