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Abusive Junior Mod: Piss something

The replies are honestly just comical. Not a single one of you said anything even tangibly logical, but it's apparent you have no regard for rules and instead play favorites and blindly agree with this dude like a bunch of sheep because you know him. Just because multiple mods are all sheep saying that I'm wrong doesn't mean I'm wrong. (That's not how logic and reasoning work).
Last I checked, garry's mod wasn't a safe haven for sensitive fairy princesses. As a mod I didn't call people dumbasses because I'd be representing the server(much like the abuse currently), but you damn well better know that I will 100% call a dumbass a dumbass if they act like one as a player. Especially in a scenario like this where this is, clear as day, mod abuse resulting in a ban because he didn't like being called out.
Recap of what happened for all the blindly following sheep:
Mod RDM'd me
Mod said wasn't RDM
100% was RDM
Sheep Mod team supported him without reviewing the RDM
Sheep Mod team dismissed ticket
I flamed Mod for RDMing + not taking slay
Got banned because words hurt when you are such a big powerful moderator

Also, I wasn't a mod on MOAT.

(10-16-2020, 08:52 PM)Duro the Dawg Wrote:  The replies are honestly just comical. Not a single one of you said anything even tangibly logical, but it's apparent you have no regard for rules and instead play favorites and blindly agree with this dude like a bunch of sheep because you know him. Just because multiple mods are all sheep saying that I'm wrong doesn't mean I'm wrong. (That's not how logic and reasoning work).
Last I checked, garry's mod wasn't a safe haven for sensitive fairy princesses. As a mod I didn't call people dumbasses because I'd be representing the server(much like the abuse currently), but you damn well better know that I will 100% call a dumbass a dumbass if they act like one as a player. Especially in a scenario like this where this is, clear as day, mod abuse resulting in a ban because he didn't like being called out.
Recap of what happened for all the blindly following sheep:
Mod RDM'd me
Mod said wasn't RDM
100% was RDM
Sheep Mod team supported him without reviewing the RDM
Sheep Mod team dismissed ticket
I flamed Mod for RDMing + not taking slay
Got banned because words hurt when you are such a big powerful moderator


(10-16-2020, 08:52 PM)Duro the Dawg Wrote:  The replies are honestly just comical. Not a single one of you said anything even tangibly logical, but it's apparent you have no regard for rules and instead play favorites and blindly agree with this dude like a bunch of sheep because you know him. Just because multiple mods are all sheep saying that I'm wrong doesn't mean I'm wrong. (That's not how logic and reasoning work).
Last I checked, garry's mod wasn't a safe haven for sensitive fairy princesses. As a mod I didn't call people dumbasses because I'd be representing the server(much like the abuse currently), but you damn well better know that I will 100% call a dumbass a dumbass if they act like one as a player. Especially in a scenario like this where this is, clear as day, mod abuse resulting in a ban because he didn't like being called out.
Recap of what happened for all the blindly following sheep:
Mod RDM'd me
Mod said wasn't RDM
100% was RDM
Sheep Mod team supported him without reviewing the RDM
Sheep Mod team dismissed ticket
I flamed Mod for RDMing + not taking slay
Got banned because words hurt when you are such a big powerful moderator

Also, I wasn't a mod on MOAT.
Guys I'm sorry. I cannot take it anymore. I was planning on just laughing it off but it's plain to see, this man read me like a book. Truly what he says is true - I rdmed him in cold blood and insinuated falsehoods as to not hurt my pride as a spotless Traitor spotter. I was wrong and Duro the Dawg, the legendary god moderator from the place that isn't moat, was right all along. The words we have all been guilty as to writing in this forum thread has been, as duro himself puts it, not "tangibly logical". This is of course because we have all been responding to the thread in yiddish as to confuse the average man. However we failed to see that Duro the dawg, the legendary god moderator from the place that isn't moat, has seen through our lies and deception. My safe haven for sensitive fairy princesses has been penetrated by the might of Duro's raw sexual and intellectual energy. Nothing I say now nor ever in the future will ever be able to justify the wrongs I have commited. As Duro himself states "you damn well better know that I will 100% call a dumbass a dumbass if they act like one as a player." and it's true, he has called me out for my sins and I must atone. So I beg you, the people of FRG, euthanize me - it is the only way.

And that is what I would say if I was in the wrong. Anyways, the crucial information your "god moderator sent from the heavens" brain cannot seem to comprehend is how association works here on this server FRG. Not whatever server you came from, this one. And it works the following way: "If another traitor without reasonable doubt specifically chooses not to damage or kill another player then that player may be killed for being an associate to a traitor". I hope you find joy in life, you have brought a lot of happiness to the general chat.

(10-16-2020, 08:52 PM)Duro the Dawg Wrote:  The replies are honestly just comical. Not a single one of you said anything even tangibly logical, but it's apparent you have no regard for rules and instead play favorites and blindly agree with this dude like a bunch of sheep because you know him. Just because multiple mods are all sheep saying that I'm wrong doesn't mean I'm wrong. (That's not how logic and reasoning work).
Last I checked, garry's mod wasn't a safe haven for sensitive fairy princesses. As a mod I didn't call people dumbasses because I'd be representing the server(much like the abuse currently), but you damn well better know that I will 100% call a dumbass a dumbass if they act like one as a player. Especially in a scenario like this where this is, clear as day, mod abuse resulting in a ban because he didn't like being called out.
Recap of what happened for all the blindly following sheep:
Mod RDM'd me
Mod said wasn't RDM
100% was RDM
Sheep Mod team supported him without reviewing the RDM
Sheep Mod team dismissed ticket
I flamed Mod for RDMing + not taking slay
Got banned because words hurt when you are such a big powerful moderator

Also, I wasn't a mod on MOAT.

My question is how in the world you became staff on any other server other than moat?? LMAOO the bar is so low

Actually has a worse superiority complex than mystery

(10-16-2020, 08:52 PM)Duro the Dawg Wrote:  Just because multiple mods are all sheep saying that I'm wrong doesn't mean I'm wrong.  


(10-16-2020, 08:52 PM)Duro the Dawg Wrote:  Last I checked, garry's mod wasn't a safe haven for sensitive fairy princesses.

You are the fairy princess making a report on a crossfire in a game. It's your fault you didn't have your headset on, so maybe next time don't take it off and you'll hear the KOS. Goodbye, Fairy Princess Duro the Dawg (Official Moderator on Moat Gaming)
Bouncy Rounds

(10-16-2020, 09:36 PM)ChubbiMex Wrote:  
(10-16-2020, 08:52 PM)Duro the Dawg Wrote:  Last I checked, garry's mod wasn't a safe haven for sensitive fairy princesses.

You are the fairy princess making a report on a crossfire in a game. It's your fault you didn't have your headset on, so maybe next time don't take it off and you'll hear the KOS. Goodbye, Fairy Princess Duro the Dawg (Official Moderator on Moat Gaming)
Sorry I just wanna clarify something. He actually lied about not having a headset. He was responding to me when I was talking to him lmao

You say that the admins on here "seem to have a problem with understanding the rules of TTT", yet you should realize that different TTT servers have different rules and maybe you should've considered reading the ones for this specific server before you got yourself banned by not following them. This may not mean much considering I am staff, but I can assure you the staff on this server are the least corrupt you can get. We're not allowed to do anything we feel like, and mod abuse is strictly punished. Nothing is going to happen with this report and you clearly showed you don't deserve an unban, unlike how you likely could've got one if you simply made a ban appeal and apologized for acting like a child, but clearly you DO have a superiority complex and never would've done that.

bottom tier troll

can't even make it look real

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