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whofam - Membership Application

Age: 23

Steam Name(Current): whofam

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):
Your play time for FRG IoD is 47 Hours 9 Minutes 28 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Asylum is 10 Hours 52 Minutes 9 Seconds
Your play time for Zombie Survival is 0 Hours 0 Minute 0 Second
Your play time for Trouble in Terrorist Town is 404 Hours 23 Minutes 27 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Event is 8 Hours 14 Minutes 16 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Survive is 6 Hours 46 Minutes 54 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Lobby is 277 Hours 16 Minutes 2 Seconds
Your play time for FRG Boss Rush is 18 Hours 30 Minutes 32 Seconds
Your play time for Base Gamemode is 0 Hours 0 Minute 0 Second

Should be around 773 Hours 12 minutes and 40 seconds

Where did you hear about this server?: From meepen during moat downfall

Have you ever been banned and why?: yes, Changed my name during a round and probably using c4 on clue :/ (karma ban)

Why do you want to join?: Never in my entire gaming experience i found a server where i had to take a break from because i found myself to be a little bit too toxic to play with and to come back as a better person, also, usually people tend to jump on me for my extra thicc with tomato sauce accent but i had little to no problem in here about that, like, instead of taunting me i find people asking me about my italian stuff and that makes me want to stay here and play with you fellas

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Additional Details:
I tend to heat myself if i am sweating out dailies or scrolls and i gotta work a little bit more on that, sorry about this :/
I'm the laidback little-to-no talking kind of guy, i need to get comfortable first but after that, i'm all in
I like to jump alot, ALOT, i like speed and movement mechanics mixed with style kills that i usually fail
i had discord dms blocked for a really long time sorry if some of you tought i had you blocked, now you can pm me whenever Smile
i LOVE doing events, i would spam them if it was possible, i am trying to learn how to kite stuff right now, my ping does not help tho :/
I'm the italian dude, what else needs to be said? Smile

From what I recall on my earlier days and my most recent interactions with him, he's definitely reserved unless you get to know him. Fortunately, he appears (at least to me) to be a good guy who seems like he just wants to chill and have fun, which in my opinion, is all we can really ask of people.

+1 I personally dont have any problems with whofam. He's pretty sweaty on TTT but thats about it, haven't heard him be relatively rude or anything of the sort. Also he gave me something worth roughly 400k for free despite barely knowing me. Which was pretty cool. I think hes worthy of member.

+1 Hes a pog man and also Italian. Also he's really chill from what I've seen and doesn't cause any issues on FRG.

Yeah ofc nothing but from good You since you came back ? +1

+1 good pizza dude

+1 good spaghetti man, good guy and sells nice items that are always overpriced, still like him tho

Whofam is pretty chill in general. Nothing notable about him. +1

whofam is awesome, pls make member

wait whofart isn't a member yet? +1

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