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Manzy - manzy manzy

Age: 25 manzy manzy

Steam Name(Current): manzy

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 220H 49M 32S

Where did you hear about this server?: manzy manzy mAnzy manzy manzy manzy maNzy Many manzy.

Have you ever been banned and why?: maNzy.

Why do you want to join?: manzy maNzY maNzy maNzy. manzy manzy manzy mAnzy maNzy maNzy manzy manzy maNzy MAnzy Manzy maNzy, manzy Manzy manzy manzy.

Referred by: manzy.

Additional Details: manzy MAnzy manzy maNzy maNzy, maNzy maNzy MAnzy mAnzy MAnzy mANzy manzY manzy MANZY, manzy manzy MANZY.

Translation for you non-Manzanieze speakers.

Age: 25 years old.

Steam Name(Current):Manzy

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):220H 49M 32S

Where did you hear about this server?:I first heard of this server when Moat died.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No.

Why do you want to join?: I honestly dont know. I figured I play enough on the server and made some friends, so might as well.

Referred by: Philip

Additional Details: I am the resident npc, and can make a membership application only using manzy, because im Manzy.

Obama =Man3

Shoutout to Manzy all hail Manzy poggers +1(000)

+1 manzy

Pretty chill dude that cosplays an angry npc that wants to walk all across the map and maybe sometimes shoot people.

+1 Fucking madlad

Loves when he screams in terror in some fights

It looks like Barney threw up on the first post.

Edit: -1 he made my eyes bleed and now I'm gay.

+1 Manzy Manzy 3

holy shit this is horrific to try to read

+1 my favorite nob, cause he doesn't sweat on TTT he just walks around like an idiot

Manzy +1 Manzy

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