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Kill Quest Difficulty

(11-23-2020, 03:11 AM)Tarrasque Wrote:  Honestly I don't see how this helps with the tryhard element. It's just gonna be people stacking buff items with crappy tiers with the change. It doesn't actually change any of the problems with people taking ttt too seriously. Like what does limiting guns for higher scrolls actually do to improve the enjoyment of anything?

edit: Just to add some constructivism. Scrolls should have more things to encourage varied gameplay instead of just pigeon holing people into a single thing. There should be a far larger variety in things you do in challenges.
Here a bunch of just rapid fire ideas of more challenges. There is a lot of unexplored space for scrolls other than changing the metagame of what gun people are gonna cheese to the fullest extent.

Get x kills with t items.
Deal x fire damage
Deal damage whilst falling
Kill x whilst at full hp.
Kill x from behind.
Get x kills with grenades.

You are right it won't help the try-hard mentality of people because at the end of the day the people that want to get scrolls done will get them done quickly. People will stack a bunch of traits on the challenge traits and I think that is okay because at the end of the day the stats are going to vary and you can not change that. It will stop the people who only use gilded godlike**** where 5000 people met their demise on because it is their best possible weapon to complete their scrolls as fast as possible. You say you do not want to pigeon hole players but that is the point of a challenge scroll even your suggestions will pigeon hole players because players who are doing there scroll are going to feel obligated to only use grenades or only jump off things to get there kills. I do not want to say your suggestions are bad I think they would be great additions to scroll because it will make players play differently, but the people who are only doing scrolls to get the loot will complain about making them play differently.

(11-23-2020, 01:41 PM)DONGERWEED29266602592O3852309764 Wrote:  being able to use your cool guns = cool.
challenge scrolls have never been legitimately challenging moreso than effort based, since inception. the most challenging part is sliders, and they aren't.
i think you are confusing the fact that people have seen all the drops inside them and they have been piling up since release being the cause of scrolls becoming less exciting moreso than the fact that people can complete them more quickly.

I agree using cool guns is really cool. I wanted to propose a change where you can use your wacky godlikes and strong weapons on easy medium and hard scrolls but if you took on the challenge of an expert and professional you need to do those challenges. I know there are some people who go through their expert while not intending to solely do the scroll but there are 20 other people who will use a weapon that is so strong to the point where it vastly improves their kill counts and makes kill quest easier. I would say that when challenged scrolls pre-kill point updates were absolutely more challenging. Some weapons people will use can take down a hallway of 4+ people because they had the jump on them with their strongest weapon, but you could not do that with the majority of the challenge weapons. I will agree some of the kill quests are absolutely miserable (noodler, pistol, m1911 ect.) I think such challenges should be removed and replaced with something along the lines of tarrasque's suggestions. I think people hide under the guise of wanting to obtain their loot easy and fast rather than actually doing the challenge.

I would also like to make another suggestion we could implement a clean scroll and dirty scroll system. A dirty scroll would be one completed without the intended weapons as stated and it would give the normal loot. If you do all the kill challenges with 70% accuracy (to give wiggle room of using secondary in the heat of battle) you get buffed loot when you complete the scroll. This would at least give the players a reason to do the challenges because as it stands no one seems to be doing the challenges.

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