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New managers! (Also double xp for remainder of the seasonal)

After discussing it with current staff, then talking with the two for awhile in a discord call, it is now official! - Mousey and Parade are now 2 new general managers for FRG. Having 2 of this rank will lessen the workload for all 3 of us, and it should be a smooth ride forward.

We had a good discussion on important issues on the server that they will be helping to resolve, such as unclear rules, incompetent +members, and staff in general being on different pages. We will provide more information on these matters, and how we'd hope to improve them soon enough.

I'd like to thank them for volunteering their time here forward to the roles, as they can get pretty tough to maintain sometimes.

Also as a reminder, the Seasonal is ending on the 15th, and double XP for the remainder of it starts now!

Now we seem to have 2 admin positions waiting to be filled. Seal for admin confirmed????????

Congrats to both of you! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and try not to drink and play TTT. Its the leading cause of RDM you know.

Well that, and pure anger.



Finally, Parade got his manager, and Mousey too! I still find it funny De_vour leaked Parade for manager 2 years before it happened. What is this data-mining?! Naughty De_Vour!

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