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Unknown - Membership Application

Age: 23

Steam Name(Current): Unknown

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 65 hours TTT; 76 hours Lobby

Where did you hear about this server?: Old ttt buds

Have you ever been banned and why?: No, i never RDM Smile

Why do you want to join?: I enjoy watching my abyssal/oxy jewels fail on my soulbound Sike procced lich

Referred by: Divine

Additional Details: I will sweat on TTT once jewels proc

+1 Known is a cool dude and has been playing TTT for a long time

+1 ttt veteran, professional e-girl, has my hat.

+1 might be unknown, but pretty kool

yes bad pun

+1 dude got lichroot wtf. He's pretty chill from my from my experiences.

+1, Doesn't cause any problems on the server

+1 has only 141 hours on TTT but is already well on his way to be a rich man

chill dude though, is fun to play with.

Having just met known i grew an instant bond with him. We spent many nights sitting in discord laughing and crying together. After many months of friendship he finally decides to make a member app and I was so happy that my new found friendship with this man was finally gonna be put to the test. I could show my love and affection to this MAN of a man. SO i with a heavy heart and a strong as steel rock hard penis Endure and and give my blessing for this man to become member.


+1 I'm one of his old TTT buds. He's gotten a lot better since then

+1 ttt veteran, professional e-girl, has my hat.

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