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A few ideas to discuss.

I've been quite unsure about what to work on while I wait for my cousin to get back into hammer and finish the maps I requested.

Anyways, the server's population has dipped quite a bit after the GMOD update, and I feel I need to add some new content soon to help kick it back up.

I was thinking about what I could do until my previous big update is ready(Lobby server, 2 new minigames( one being a cool AI boss fight type thing), NPC shops/mini quest lines, and other things like dueling for items/coins with rules you can setup in the 'duel' menu).

I'm hoping we can discuss a few ideas either from me, or from any of you.

One idea I had is maybe having some kind of 'weekly' challenge system, but it's hard to come up with rewards for something like that, I could award crates, but I'd rather not.

I could re-implement my Leveling system, and have these challenges award XP. Then have sections/items in the coinshop LOCKED until you hit a certain level.

Another one is to just implement what I currently have with the bossfight minigame into the server, meaning it would have a chance upon map vote to change to the boss fight map, similar to my Thanatos rounds on NTG.

Also a bit of a side note, would any of you look forward to my 'challenge scroll' system being ported to here?
Discuss/Suggest away!

Personally, I would kill for a quest line system Brass. The more RPG for me means better. As for the challenge scroll system, no idea I barely played NTG. I did experience 1 Boss Round and please oh god yes add something along that lines? Maybe certain tiers or crystals or MAYBE a "trophy" that can be dropped from the boss or quests would be hellagood. For that challenge system though the rewards could be something along say maybe small amounts of coins or guns that are leveled to that challenge (maybe a new tier as well with a "non-tradeable" fix on it) < ----- Just my suggestion because some people would be lazy and just buy the challenge reward if it is cool, this would make it where you have to do it Smile . *All my opinion right there, if you do not like it. Cool Story.*

Challenge Scrolls were definitely fun, but in the head they never felt rewarding since the drops were less than optimal, and people began to treat them as "Grinds" that they have to metagame/abuse to complete quickly, rather than a fun, slow challenge.

Boss rounds, or some type of them, are always cool and people love those, so you can't go wrong with that. (More Player vs AI like the Thanatos fight IS cool, rather than players vs player).

I'd love to see the XP system become something neat. (Though hopefully all the time you played in the past would become EXP? Eh-heh.) Being able to unlock new prop limits or colors, maybe other custom shop things would be a good incentive for it I'd think.

A weekly challenge system could tie-in nicely with EXP, rewarding it to show who's the better/best player and maybe a few unique rewards (Maybe you could drop 10/10 or less crystals? Fully charged ones would be neat rewards, knowing how hard some are to upgrade! Even though giving out crates as a reward would kinda ruin the economy in my eyes, maybe completing various difficulties of challenges would present the winner with a small amount of "Tokens". These could be used on a new type of roll, one with much more cosmetics and fun stuff. You could find some cool Indiana-Jones style stuff, or Egyptian clothing. A shovel as a melee weapon, a blow-dart type gun with a funny suffix. The items inside don't have to be Ascultones and heroic Mac10's. (Also, a different "Style" of rolls would be pretty neat. Maybe a big lottery wheel or something that spins.)

Otherwise, I'm pretty sure that we would all appreciate anything that you do, Brass. Even bugfixes can be fun!

I seriously doubt this would be added, but what if we had some sort of factions system?
Like, you've got 4 different sides that are constantly trying to be first, every few days or so there'd be some sort of quest or something that each faction had to complete as a team, like the challenge scroll ones, just bigger.

Teams in last - second can have a small bonus to something like drops or maybe a stat to better combat those in first. But each month the teams are scrambled. Each fraction could have a leader of some sort, who does something, that works with TTT gamemode. Idk what, too lazy to think of something.

After the teams scramble, the team that was in first get something special, like a badge or 50 coins or another cool thing.

Players have the choice to join in the wars, but if they don't they don't get any of the cool perks.

Maybe you could also give a small bonus if a faction does the minigame together?

The Challenge scrolls were fun but were extremely hard for poorer players to get a hold of. I never even got one for almost a year.

I think the weekly challenge system sounds good. There should be a chance to get an easy, medium, or hard challenge like in NTG. But if you can't complete it within a week then you would get a fresh new challenge.

THe 'unlocking shop features with levels' idea sounds good and I would go for that.

Everything you suggested sounds awesome, and I would LOVE to see challenge scrolls on FRG.

swan can get back into hammer xD #SwanLobby
Love me <3

What about something like this:
Each 'week' there's a series of challenges players can complete.

When you complete these challenges, you get EXP, however, there are also a LIMITED number of rewards that are given out as players complete them.

Say, 5 or so special crates you can only obtain from there. if you're the first to complete this weeks challenges you get a crate, and it minuses 1 from the number of crates left. Once there are 0 rewards left, No more of them can be received, and you only obtain EXP instead.

This could be fun, and not flood the system with reward items. BUT it could also cause issues with people trying to rush to get the challenges done. It could possibly be avoided if I design the challenges carefully.

I could perhaps make them monthly challenges instead, to keep the 'rewards' at an even more minimum, and the 'rush' to complete them a little less 'intense'.

Gives incentives to play more to get the challenges done.
Gives objectives/promotes different play styles you may not be used to.

Could promote greed.
Could cause minor metagaming issues.

(04-12-2015, 12:32 AM)Brassx Wrote:  What about something like this:
Each 'week' there's a series of challenges players can complete.

When you complete these challenges, you get EXP, however, there are also a LIMITED number of rewards that are given out as players complete them.

Say, 5 or so special crates you can only obtain from there. if you're the first to complete this weeks challenges you get a crate, and it minuses 1 from the number of crates left. Once there are 0 rewards left, No more of them can be received, and you only obtain EXP instead.

This could be fun, and not flood the system with reward items. BUT it could also cause issues with people trying to rush to get the challenges done. It could possibly be avoided if I design the challenges carefully.

I could perhaps make them monthly challenges instead, to keep the 'rewards' at an even more minimum, and the 'rush' to complete them a little less 'intense'.

Gives incentives to play more to get the challenges done.
Gives objectives/promotes different play styles you may not be used to.

Could promote greed.
Could cause minor metagaming issues.

Metagaming issues could be partially erased if the challenges could only be completed with 8+ people on the server.

I think this is a good idea, having a bit of a competitive challenge system.

It would definitely cause metagaming and there'd be issues with time zones. A lot of people would miss out on the "Special" crates because they're sleeping when we're waking up. I don't like the idea of special crates being handed out much, but the idea of people being able to compete is always cool. How many challenges can you really do that won't be meta-game-able? Maybe Challenges could only be completed if there are 6 or more people on the server. Or maybe a staff member has to be on for one to be completed. Drastic measures, but I remember how crazy it got in NTG.

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