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Psycho unban

Steam Name (Current): psycho

Steam Name (During incident): NO idea

Steam ID:STEAM_1:0:72393857

Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/id/mbhvhplayer

Name of staff you were banned by: no idea

Length of the ban: PERM

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: it says NIL

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: i have no idea its been 4 years

What really happened?: no idea 4 years

Additional details: just want to get unbanned so i can be apart of the community

just so you know what you got banned for, in case it sparks any memories as to what happened, as it would help with your request
it was "lying to owner to get items"

doesnt spark anything

any news on this or what???

If it's been 4 years i see no reason not to unban him tbh. Especially if he was younger during the incident.

are you the guy who begged brass for an item claiming you rolled it from a chest during map change?

i honestly don't remember dude i was 16

maybe brass knows why you were banned. Im sure someone high up can look and find out

although lying to get items is scummy, 4 years is enough to change for some people.
+1 unban this dude, inuyasha pfp!

-1.  Based on the way I have seen you conduct yourself on other servers I don’t think you would be a good fit for frg. Has shown a tendency to be racist, causes problems and harass people.

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