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(CoyoteBoyo11) - Membership Application

Age - 16

Steam name - CoyoteBoyo11

Time played - servers are down and I don't know where to do !time but I know that I have over 120 hours in ttt

Where I heard about this server - I never heard about this server I just found in the server browser.

Have you ever been banned and why - no I have never been banned. at least I don't think I have been.

Why do you want to join - I want to join because I like the server.

Referred by - I wasn't referred to the server by anyone.

Additional Details - uhh... hi.

need more comments plz

I don't recall seeing the guy on too much. Can't say they stand out too much either. +0

He's a pretty chill gamer and have been seeing him a fair amount of times on the server. To sum it up, +1

+1, never seen any issues with coyote and I see them often!

+1 been more active recently and doesn't cause issues


+1 yes not a trouble maker

+1 I've never had issues with him

+1 Has never caused any trouble with people and is chill to play with

+1, doesn't do anything bad on the server and I have no problems with him.

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