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Dox Membership

Age: 20

Steam Name: dox

I have so many hours on this server it hurts to state. [ 80 hours in Trib by itself ]

Where did you hear about this server?: I played a little bit of NTG, 20 hours max, but I heard about FRG from a friend and played once during monthlies and dropped a wand which I traded ~PAIN~. I was off and on until last year, 2021, and now I play semi consistently.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No, I'm not really problematic like that

Why do you want to join?: It's a cool game, and I like people in the community. I also spend way too much time on said game, so why not be a member?

Referred by: Reaver (SaurFeng) back in the day

Additional Details: Honestly nowadays I'm a PvE main nowadays.

two obliv drops - 1

in all reality dox is cool +1

Surprised he isn't a member yet, +1

+1 fellow grimma and cool person to hang out with


+1 fun to play with and also carries me in Grims

seems like a chill dude from what ive seen +1
Everybody look left

Everybody look right

Everywhere you look I'm--

Standing in the spotlight


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