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Cake Holder - Membership Application

Age: 24

Steam Name(Current): Cake Holder

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Lobby = ~50 hours, TTT = ~31 hours, Events = ~15 (including trib, survive, etc)

Where did you hear about this server?: I heard from Fluffy that BrassX made a sort-of NTG sister server.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope <3

Why do you want to join?: I loved NTG, and playing on this server reminds me a lot of those times, but somehow almost better? I love the PvE options, I love the crafting system, and I love the gun balance. OH, and the character customization; I feel so "me" when I look at my player-model cuz of how in-depth the customization is. Everyone in this community has been so nice to me, and a bunch of players even helped get me started inventory-wise! My favorite PvE event is Trib, cuz it's so much fun and feels very rewarding to grind. I basically haven't played anything but on this server since I started playing it.

Referred by: Fluffy, aka Winter Wind, aka the Night Witch, aka the Aggravated Angel, aka Son of Hecate and Boreas

Additional Details: I plan to play on this server for a long time; as long or (hopefully) longer than my time on NTG! Thanks for reading!

Decent enough guy, fun to play with in events. Only reason some players might not know him yet is cus ttt has been dead sometimes the past few weeks lol. 1+

I know I'm not a member yet but cake holder is good people!

+1 good to play events with and brings positive energy to the server when playing


+1 is good people


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